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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

CRE and Grower Groups File Data Quality Act Petition on NTP Atrazine Review
The National Toxicology Program selected atrazine to review for possible listing in NTP's 12th report on Carcinogens. NTP's sole stated basis for reviewing atrazine was IARC's conclusion that there is sufficient evidence of atrazine's carcinogenicity in one breed of rats. CRE and several groups of growers that use atrazine petitioned NTP under the Data Quality Act to correct NTP's published discussion of IARC's conclusions. In its report, IARC explained that the atrazine rat tests were irrelevant to humans because the rats have a biological mode of action that does not occur in humans.

  • Click for CRE/Grower Group Petition to NTP.
  • Click for Appendix A.
  • Click for Appendix B.
  • Click for Appendix C.
  • Click to Nominate Regulatory Action of the Week.