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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NGOs' Uses of the DQA
If they think about the Data Quality Act at all, most people think that it is only used by Industry to request changes in complex technical and scientific information. Most people are wrong.

One of the first successful DQA Petitions was a request to the National Archives to correct the names of individuals seen in a famous photograph of Elvis Presley meeting Richard Nixon. More recently, two NGOs, Advocates for Youth and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States petitioned HHS's Administration for Children and Families regarding abstinence education programs. The groups argue that HHS sponsored programs disseminate inaccurate information while failing to provide accurate information about the effectiveness of condoms.

Obviously, DQA petitions are not limited to Industry Petitioners or EPA risk assessments.

  • Click for National Archives – FY ‘03 Data Quality Petitions
  • Click for HHS Information Quality Petitions
  • Click for Article on Abstinence Education Data Quality Petition