Wikipedia on the American Men and Women of Science
Policies for including distinguished scientists in American Men and Women of Science were established by "an Advisory Committee appointed by the National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council and the American Association for the Advancement of Science."
"The criteria for inclusion in AMERICAN MEN AND WOMEN OF SCIENCE" include, "for those whose work cannot be published because of governmental, commercial or industrial security, research activity of high quality in science as evidenced by the judgement of the individual's peers among his immediate co-workers."
A reviewer for Booklist described American Men and Women of Science as the "Cadillac of scientific biography".[4] In 2010, WorldTrade Review Essays of Academic, Professional & Technical Books in the Humanities & Sciences wrote that American Men and Women of Science "... remains without peer as a chronicle of scientific endeavor and achievement in the United States and Canada."(Wiki)
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