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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NTP Announces its New RoC Scientific Review Process
The Department of Health and Humans Services runs the National Institute of Health which in turns runs the National Toxicology Program. The NTP periodically publishes a Report on Carcinogens (“RoC”). On April 16, 2007, the NTP announced its scientific review process to review nominations for the 12th RoC.

These review processes are new, and are the product of a public notice and comment proceeding. The NTP identifies three major changes in the review process:

“Two important elements in the RoC review process are (1) the public peer review of draft background documents by ad hoc scientific expert panels and (2) the public peer review of draft substance profiles by the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors. In addition, the NTP will also, on a trial basis, prepare a response to public comments for the 12th RoC.”
  • Click here to read NTP’s Federal Register notice of te new RoC process