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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NOAA Seeks Comment on Climate Change Document
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration requests public comment on the Agency’s draft Climate Change Prospectus addressing Thresholds of Change in Ecosystems. This Prospectus is one of the U.S. Government’s Climate Change Program (“CCSP”) Synthesis and Assessment Products.

According to NOAA’s Federal Register notice, “The CCSP is charged with preparing information resources that support climate-related discussions and decisions, including scientific synthesis and assessment analyses that support evaluation of important policy issues.”

After considering public comment on the draft Prospectus, NOAA will publish a final Prospectus, along with comments received, on the CCSP web site.

Comments on the draft Prospectus must be received by NOAA by June 6, 2007.

  • Click here to read NOAA Federal Register notice and draft Prospectus