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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

EPA Holds Public Peer Review on Nano
On September 6-7, 2007, the United States Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public peer consultation meeting on material characterization for nanoscale chemical substances. The meting will be held in Arlington, Virginia. According to EPA, the purpose of the meeting is "to inform the development of [EPA's] nanoscale materials Stewardship Program (NMSP) under the Toxic Substances Control Act...."

For this meeting, EPA seeks public comment on the following items:

  1. Description of nanoscale materials (e.g., types, categories).
  2. Physical-chemical properties of potential interest (e.g., particle size/shape/distribution/dimensions, agglomeration, aggregation, surface area, etc.).
  3. Design to achieve unique properties (e.g., manufacturing, processing, chemical transformations).
  4. Obtaining characterization data for nanoscale materials (e.g., analytical methods, models).
  5. Metrology (e.g., methods validation, standards, and harmonization).
  6. Prioritization of characterization data and data gaps.

    In addition, EPA is requesting information on characterization or methodology currently used for nanoscale materials. The Agency is also seeking comment on characterization or methodology that could potentially be used for nanoscale materials in the basic or the in- depth phases of the NMSP that were described in the ``Concept Paper for the Nanoscale Materials Program under TSCA,'' including the rationale for such use and any relevant issues...."

You may register for the Nano meeting on or before August 31, 2007.

EPA requests written comments on or before 8:30 A.M, September 6, 2007.

Requests to present oral comments at the meeting must be received on or before August 31, 2007.

  • Click here to read EPA Federal Register notice of Nano Consultation Meeting