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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NGOs File Port of Anchorage DQA Petition with Corps of Engineers

On March 28, 2008, environmental NGOs filed a Data Quality Act Request for Correction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This DQA Petition was filed by Cook Inletkeeper, Alaska Public Interest Research Group, and Alaska Center for the Environment. Trustees for Alaska is their legal counsel. Their DQA Petition seeks correction of information disseminated in connection with the Corps’ substantial expansion of the Port of Anchorage. For example, they seek correction of the Corps’ cost estimates for the Port expansion.

This DQA Request for Correction is important for a number of reasons, not least of which is the fact that it was filed by environmental NGOs. Some NGOs criticize the DQA as an industry tool. This Alaska Petition proves that criticism wrong.

  • Click here to read DQA Request for Correction and Cover Letter
  • Click here to read the Request for Correction w/ supporting documents
  • Click here to read Anchorage Daily News article
  • Click here to read CRE Watchdog Watch for a more detailed discussion of the DQA petition