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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

DOI Will Publish Its Scientific Integrity Policy
On February 2, 2011, the U.S. Department of Interior intends to publish its Policy on Integrity of Scientific and Scholarly Activities. There will be a Federal Register notice of publication on that date, and the Policy will be included DOI Departmental Manual 305 DM 3. The Policy responds to the Presidential Memorandum on Scientific Integrity dated March 9, 2009, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy 2010 guidance memorandum on scientific integrity. These documents call for ensuring the highest level of integrity in all aspects of the executive branch's involvement with scientific and technological processes. DOI's Federal Register notice will explain that:

    "On September 29, 2010, the Secretary issued Order No. 3305, Ensuring Scientific Integrity within the Department of the Interior. This Order required publication of a Departmental Manual Chapter that sets forth principles of scientific and scholarly integrity and clarifies the roles and responsibilities of all Department employees in upholding these principles. This policy is the implementation of the Secretary's directive. The policy covers all Department employees, including political appointees, when they engage in, supervise, manage, or influence scientific and scholarly activities, or communicate information about the Department's scientific and scholarly activities, or utilize scientific and scholarly information in making agency policy, management, or regulatory decisions. The policy also covers all volunteers, contractors, cooperators, partners, permittees, leasees, and grantees who assist with developing or applying the results of scientific and scholarly activities."


    "You can obtain copies of the Policy on Integrity of Scientific and Scholarly Activities of the Department of the Interior by contacting Alan D. Thornhill, 1849 C Street N.W., MS 5438, Washington, DC 20240-0002, 202-208-6249, or by visiting our Web site at"