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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

NOAA’s Draft Scientific Integrity Policy Emphasizes Information Quality Act
NOAA has published its draft Scientific Integrity Policy for public comment. NOAA seeks comments by August 15, 2011, on NOAA’s draft Policy and on its accompanying procedural handbook. NOAA’s draft Policy states several Principles of Scientific Integrity. These principles include compliance with NOAA’s Information Quality Act guidelines:

    “NOAA scientists are encouraged to publish data and findings in ways that contribute to the most effective dissemination of NOAA science and that best enhance NOAA’s reputation for reliable science, including online in open formats and through peer- reviewed, professional, or scholarly journals. Development and dissemination of scientific and technical products must be consistent with NOAA policies and procedures related to peer review, the Open Government Directive (Office of Management and Budget, 2009b), NOAA’s information quality guidelines, and other legislative and policy mandates.”
  • Click here for NOAA’s draft Scientific Integrity Policy website