Fuel Consumption


Agency Administrative Actions




Fuel Focus

Prorating Fuel Consumption
Bill Shoots I, a Texas-based member of our Grassroots Network, has proposed an innovative approach to measuring fuel economy. Mr. Shoots has proposed that fuel economy measurement be based on "passenger miles and/or per unit time." Mr. Shoots' recommendation recognizes that understanding fuel economy means looking at more than just miles per gallon. The approach recommended by Mr. Shoots recognizes that not only do vehicles have different carrying capacities but also that a person's fuel consumption is highly dependent not just on the vehicle but on how much it is driven.

  • Click to read Prorating Fuel Consumption.

    The Other Side of the Story
    John Hammond, a Grassroots Network member from California agrees that larger vehicles are safer in accidents. However, his primary interest is in protecting the environment. To this end, Mr. Hammond wants industry to produce "vehicles that produce as close no emissions as possible." He also believes that such vehicles can be produced and wants "it done now." Many would argue with the accuracy or practicality of Mr. Hammond's views. Others would highlight the economic and other consequences of even trying to implement such a sweeping agenda in the near future. On the other hand, Mr. Hammond articulates a deep concern for the future generations as well as a belief that "we have access to all the information we need to make wise, intelligent, moral decisions." His views deserve consideration.

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    A Veteran Defends The SUV On Which He Depends
    R. E. Blanton, a physically-challenged 70 year old veteran and member of the Grassroots Network, discuses the security, comfort and flexibility provided by his SUV. Mr. Blanton, who spent 11 years defending his country, considers the advantages of his vehicle to be well worth the fuel costs. Anyone who favors restricting vehicle choice should consider just what that would mean for Mr. Blanton –- and the countless other people who depend on SUVs every day.

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    Impacting Physics
    The great weight debate continues. Brandon Whitelaw continues his debate with Brendan Miller over the role vehicle weight plays in enhancing safety in collisions. Mr. Whitelaw explains that the design and safety of Indy race cars has little relevance to SUVs. Instead, Mr. Whiitelaw argues that, given the same safety technology, SUVs benefit in a crash from being bigger and heavier.

  • Click to read Brandon Whitelaw's comments
  • Click to read entire Impacting Physics dialog
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    Now With More Facts Than Ever: Christina Marrs Responds to Gregory Hudgins and Ed White
    Christina Marrs, a member of both the Grassroots Network and the acclaimed music ensemble, The Asylum Street Spankers, provides an extensive and reasoned response to criticism of her previous discussion of SUVs. Ms. Marrs' detailed commentary discusses environmental, safety, fuel economy and sociological issues associated with sport utility vehicles. To ensure that Federal officials consider all substantive viewpoints as they deliberate CAFE Reform proposals, FuelEconomyIn.US will include the complete text of the Marrs-Hudgin/White debate as part of our response to NHTSA's Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on reforming CAFE.

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