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  • United States Data Quality Act (Lars Toomre, November 23, 2005)

  • Helpful Think Tanks (Two Patriots, November 12, 2005)

  • CQ Homeland Security - Transportation & Infrastructure (, Oct 3, 2005)

  • Profile — OMB's Jim Joseph Tozzi (The Environmental Forum, Premier Issue, May 1982)

  • Rethinking Presidential Power—The Unitary Executive and the George W. Bush Presidency (63rd Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 7-10, 2005)

  • The Perils of Relying on Interested Parties to Evaluate Scientific Quality (American Journal of Public Health, 2005)

  • Manufacturing Uncertainty: Contested Science and the Protection of the Public’s Health and Environment (American Journal of Public Health, 2005)

  • A Daubert Motion: A Legal Strategy to Exclude Essential Scientific Evidence in Toxic Tort Litigation (American Journal of Public Health, 2005)

  • Oscar(R) Nominated Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock Options New York Times Best Seller 'THE REPUBLICAN WAR ON SCIENCE' by Author Chris Mooney (Warrior Poets, December 15, 2005)

  • Political Science (December 18, 2005)

  • OMB Downplays Impact Of Data Quality Act On Federal Agencies (Inside EPA, December 16, 2005)

  • The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness Invokes the Data Quality Act to Reject Published Studies on Atrazine Toxicity (Environmental Health Perspectives, January 2004)

  • New Data Quality Suit Could Force EPA To Act On Delayed Petitions (Inside EPA, December 2, 2005)

  • Ending Government Regulation by Manufacturing Doubt (Rachel's Environment & Health News, September 01, 2005)

  • The Long Standing Fault Line (Boston Globe, August 28, 2005)

  • Wresting Environmental Decisions From an Uncertain World (ELR, August 2005)

  • Accounting For Science: The Independence Of Public Research In The New, Subterranean Administrative Law ( Law & Contemp. Probs., 2005)

  • CRE on the BBC

  • Is More Access To Science Information The Answer? (The Society of Environmental Journalists, July 27, 2005)

  • Unsound Science (Gooznews, July 20, 2005)

  • LA Times On Medical Marijuana (Los Angeles Times, July 18, 2005)

  • Legislating "Sound Science": The Role of the Tobacco Industry(Supplement to American Journal of Public Health, 2005)

  • The Power Of Paperwork: How Philip Morris Neutralized The Medical Code For Secondhand Smoke (Health Affairs, 2005)

  • Industry, Key Republican Suspend Push For Expanded Data Quality Act (, July 20, 2005)

  • Court in Divided Opinion Upholds EPA'S Decision Not to Regulate C02

  • Paralysis by Analysis: Jim Tozzi's Regulation To End All Regulation

  • Activist Enlists Unlikely Ally in Bid to Legalize Pot (, July 18, 2005)

  • Paperwork Reduction Act Hearing 2005 (OMB Watch, June 14, 2005 )