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CRE In the News

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  • The Data Consortium for Media and Communications Policy: Toward a Federal Data Agenda for Communications Policymaking (SSRC, 2006)

  • OMB proposes to harmonize risk assessments (ES&T News, 2006)

  • Democrats Say Oversight Is Overdue (The Washington Post, November 14, 2006)

  • Lek Securities Battles NASD Over OATS Regulation (Wall Street & Technology, October 25, 2006 )

  • Protecting Special Interests in the Name of “Good Science” (JAMA, May 24, 2006)
  • The FDA's Marijuana Problem (Tech Central Station, August 18, 2006)

  • New FDA Nanotech Task Force May Foretell Change In Regulation (FDA Week, August 11, 2006)

  • Battle looms over Bush’s pick for regulatory chief (Federal Times, August 9, 2006)

  • FDA Urged to Get Other Agencies' Input On Nanotech Petition (FDA Week, July 28, 2006)

  • Mercatus Center Economist Appears Likely Nominee for Director of OIRA (Bureau of National Affairs, July 13, 2006)

  • A Regulation on Regulations (Scientific American, July 2006)

  • Nanotechnology: Data Quality Act Strikes Again (RegWatch, May 19, 2006)

  • FDA Says OMB Risk Assessment Bulletin Hampers Drug Safety Alerts (FDA Week, May 22, 2006)

  • Protecting Special Interests in the Name of "Good Science" (JAMA, May 24/31, 2006)

  • DOD Seeks Interagency Review Before EPA Finalizes Children's Risk Plan (Inside EPA, May 15, 2006)

  • NANOTECH: Enviro petition likely to face Data Quality Act challenge (Greenwire, May 18, 2006)

  • The 4/20 Advisory (Los Angeles City Beat, May 11, 2006)

  • Data Act Faces New Test As Drug Group Speeds Up Lawsuit Plans (Inside EPA, April 28, 2006)

  • OMB proposals aim to harmonize federal risk assessments (Environmental Science & Technology, February 15, 2006)

  • The Wake Up Call (Nature Medicine, April 2006)

  • Protests Lodged Against Retailer (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, April 12, 2006)

  • Wal-Mart's Plan To Acquire Limited Bank Charter Denounced (Chicago Tribune, April 11, 2006)

  • Salt Suit Bad For Industry; Medical Pot May Be The Remedy (FDA Week, March 24, 2006)

  • Business Thinks Data Rule Isn't Worth Its Salt (The Washington Post, March 12, 2006)

  • Courts Ruled No Forum for Data-Quality Fights (Science, March 17, 2006 - Scroll down to second story)

  • Ruling Sparks Industry Push For Court Review Of Agencies' Data Decisions (Inside EPA , March 8, 2006)

  • REGULATIONS: Court decision may spur congressional review of data law (Greenwire, March 8, 2006)

  • Graham Leaves OIRA With a Full Job Jar (CQ WEEKLY, January 23, 2006)

  • Government Operations Graham's Reforms at White House Office Expected to Influence Decisions for Years (Daily Report for Executives, January 24, 2006)

  • OMB Guidance Sets New Hurdles For Regulators (Federal Times , January 19, 2006)

  • OMB Draft Bulletin Details ProceduresFor Agencies to Use When Assessing Risks (BNA Inc. Daily Report for Executives , January 10, 2006)