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CRE In the News

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  • Watchdogging the Watchdogs (Public Eye, 2004 )

  • White House finishes controversial 'peer review' guidelines (Greenwire, Dec 21, 2004 )

  • Averting the Internet Meltdown (CircleID , Oct 16, 2004)

  • Study Says Kerry-Edwards Health Care Plan Would Substantially Increase Costs and Administrative Burden On Restaurant Industry (Washington Weekly, Oct 18, 2004, Page 3 )

  • Data Quality Act Ruling Curbs Industry Influence (Business & Finance Week, Dec 8, 2004 )

  • The Mysteries Of The Diet Guidelines (MSNBC, September 1, 2004 )

  • Réglementer Intelligemment: Les analyses d'impact et la préparation des réglementations publiques aux Etats-Unis (Agence financière, Ambassade de France à Washington, Août 2004 )

  • Wicked Weedkiller (GREENIE WATCH, September 23, 2004)

  • In The Beginning (The Countertop Chronicles, January 22, 2004 )

  • Caution: It Could Be a Hermaphrodesiac (The Third Stryke, August 16, 2004)

  • Is Environmental Data the Missing Link? (The Academy of Natural Sciences, 2004)

  • FEDS VS. MEDS (Los Angeles City Beat & Valley Beat, 2004)

  • Differing Views Expressed on OMB IdeasTo Reform National Toxicology Program (Daily Environment, November 26, 2004)

  • Follow Up on CRS on DQA (Prometheus, October 29, 2004)

  • Small Business Trade Groups Say "NO" to Kerry Health Plan (The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors , October 7, 2004)

  • Lawmakers Urged to Respect Science, Avoid Politicization of Data (River Crossings, July/August 2004)

  • The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness invokes the data quality act to reject published studies on atrazine toxicity - Correspondence (Environmental Health Perspectives, Jan 2004 )

  • The Informational Quality Act: OMB's Guidance and Initial Implementation (Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress , September 17, 2004)

  • Health-care realities (The Washington Times , October 18, 2004)

  • Regulations law wouldn’t apply to NOAA under Senate measure (NOAA, September 2004)

  • Regulators--Washington Post

  • DQA Exemption Stripped from NOAA Bill (Greenwire, September 2004)

  • Data Quality Act exemption for NOAA dropped from CJS bill (Environment & Energy Daily, September 24, 2004)

  • Wicked Weedkiller (GREENIE WATCH, September 23, 2004)

  • Great Stuff: Could Be Good For Overturning Greenie Nonsense (GREENIE WATCH, September 12, 2004)

  • Lobbying the OMB: The Inside Game (Influence, August 22, 2001)

  • Industry Data Quality Challenge Weakens Dietary Guidelines: Deadline for Comments Sept. 27 (OMB Watch, September 7, 2004)

  • The Data Quality Act, and actual journalism (The Lincoln Plawg, August 16, 2004)

  • Politicization of the scientific authority suspected (Le Temps, August 24, 2004)

  • Federal regulation: Undoing the rules (, August 24, 2004)

  • White House Regulatory Actions Overlooked (Guerilla News Network, August 20, 2004)

  • Averting the Internet Meltdown (CircleID, August 16, 2004)

  • 'Data Quality' Law Is Nemesis Of Regulation (The Washington Post, August 16, 2004, p. A1)

  • James Tozzi: Center for Media & Democracy (Disinfopedia , July 2004 )

  • CSPI Announces Second Conference on “Conflicted Science” (Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), May 26, 2004 )

  • Congress Faults OMB Compliance on Regulatory Accounting Reports (Bureau of National Affairs, March 12, 2003 )

  • Jim Tozzi and the Data Quality Act

  • OMB Offcial Highlights EPA Problems in Assessing Benefits of Air Rules (Inside EPA, June 18, 2004 )

  • Industry to Challenge Modeling Used by EPA in Key Regulatory Decisions (Inside EPA, June 17, 2004 )

  • Putting a Price on Human Life: The Costs and Benefits of Cost-Benefit Analysis (Center for American Progress, February 25, 2004 )

  • Obituary: Ronald Reagan -- An Environmental And Natural Resource Legacy (Greenwire, June 11, 2004 )

  • TeleTruth Challenges FCC Charge (boardwatch, June 1, 2004)

  • Paralysis by Analysis (Washington Monthly, May 2004)

  • Regulations: Revised Science Guidelines Still Have Teeth, Observers Say (Greenwire, April 20, 2004)

  • Data Quality Act: Response from the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (Environmental Health Perspectives, January 2004)

  • Internet Body Defends Accounting Practices Amid Criticism (The National Journal's Technology Daily, May 3, 2004)

  • Internet Body Criticized For Continued U.S. Ties, Legal Fees (The National Journal's Technology Daily, April 29, 2004)

  • OMB Excludes Economic Impacts From Revised Scientific Peer Review Policy (, April 16, 2004)

  • Industry Mounts Campaign To Challenge 'Regulation By Litigation' (, March 19, 2004)

  • EPA Faces New Layer of Review After NAS Human Subjects Study (, March 16, 2004)

  • Report Request by Congress Said to Show Interest Growing in Data Quality Standards (BNA, February 12, 2004)

  • View From Washington (Ultimate Hummers, Issue #1, 2004)

  • Report Request by Congress Said to Show Interest Growing in Data Quality Standards (BNA, February 12, 2004)

  • FDA Still Balking At 1988 Drug Law: Tool To Fight Counterfeiting Of Medicine Still In Limbo (The Hartford Courant, February 1, 2004)

  • Room for One More Rulemaking Think Tank? (The Washington Post, January 13, 2004)

  • Journal urges agencies to disclose scientists' link to outside groups (Greenwire, January 5, 2004)

  • Quote/Unquote (Government Executive, January, 2004)