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From the Library of Robert Coakley -- PRA Senate Proponent

President Carter ERA (1977-1980) President Reagan Era. (1981-1988) President Bush Era (1989-1992)
    1. Lawton Chiles brief as Amicus Curiae, Elizabeth Dole, Secretary of Labor, et al v. United Steelworkers of America, et al. June 29, 1989

    2. Sen. Bingaman hearings, excerpts, June 12, 16, 1989, Plager, MacRae

    3. Sen Glenn hearings, excerpts, Feb 21, 21, 1990, on S.1742, Sunstein, Stu Eisenstadt testify, Supreme Court decision issued Feb 21.

    4. Sen Bumpers floor statement to Glenn, Roth, April 3, 1991, signed by 13 members of Small Business Committee in 1990,

    5. Chiles letter to Sam Nunn May 2, 1991

    6. Nunn floor statement May 11, 1991 ,S1139 introduction , Chiles letter and reference to conversations, Bumbers, Kastan et al.

    7. Sen Bumbers floor statement, May 22, 1991 Cong Rec, includes Small Bus Committee letter to Glenn, Roth. Sen Kastan statement included

    8. Former OMB Director Jim McIntyre testimony before Small Bus Com June 25, 1991

    9. Former OMB Director Jim Miller testimony before Sen Small Bus Com June 25, 1991

    10. Nunn floor statement, October 29, 1992 , Opportunity lost Cong Rec S18335
President Clinton Era ( 1993-1999) Post Clinton
    1. Sam Nunn eulogy for Lawton Chiles , Dec 16, 1998

    2. Sally Katzen testimony on PRA March 8, 2006, House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs

    3. OMB Federal Register Requests for comments on how to improve PRA 10, 27, 2009

    4. Robert E. Coakley comments to OMB re Federal Register Request, 2009

    5. Reagan Perspective on Regulation, Quotes, Notes, and Relevance, (Point sheet used by Robert Coakley in presentation to conference gathered to commemorate the former President at the Capitol organized by Lew Uhler, President National Tax Limitation Committee. February 9, 2011.
