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CRE Featured Articles on Centralized Review

Draft Executive Order on Public Participation in Agency Settlements
Watchdog Watch has prepared a draft Executive Order requiring that federal agencies engaged in litigation afford the public an opportunity for notice and comment on proposed settlement agreements that may impact federal regulatory actions. Public notice and comment rights are already provided in several other regulatory contexts (e.g., anti-trust consent decrees; consent judgments where the government is a plaintiff enforcing various environmental laws). Agency settlements in this type of case often have major regulatory impacts on stakeholders who are not party to the litigation and, therefore, currently have no voice in the settlement process. The Executive Order would guarantee full transparency and full public participation in settlements that will determine the course of major regulatory programs for years to come.

  • Click to review letter to OMB transmitting the draft Executive Order
  • Click to review the draft Executive Order on Public Participation in Agency Settlements
  • CRE Regulatory Services

  • OMB Cracks Down on PRA Violations
    OIRA Administrator Dr. John Graham sent a memo to all agencies spotlighting the need for their compliance with the information collection provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act. The memo highlighted the five agencies with the most PRA violations.

  • Click to read OMB press release and Graham memo
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    Centralized Regulatory Review; Enhancing Highway Safety Highlighted During OMB Congressional Testimony
    During testimony before the House Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, OIRA Administrator Dr. John Graham discussed OMB's Return Letter to NHTSA on the draft Tire Pressure Monitoring System rule. Dr. Graham's testimony explained how permitting use of an indirect pressure monitoring system would improve the affordability of adding anti-lock brakes to vehicles, a system OMB believes has substantial safety benefits.

  • Click to read Graham Statement
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    Data Quality Act: Guidelines Apply to Public Submissions to Agencies
    In remarks to the National Economists Club, OIRA Administrator Dr. John Graham said that Data Quality requirements apply to third-parties submitting information to federal agencies. Since the guidelines apply to virtually all information disseminated by agencies, Dr. Graham explained that trade associations and other third parties which submit information to the government intended for citation or other use, must ensure that their information complies with Data Quality standards. Federal contractors are also required to adhere to OMB's Data Quality requirements.

  • Click to read an excerpt from BNA's Daily Environment Report
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  • Strengthening the Analytic Foundation of Federal Regulatory Policy
    In a speech to the National Economists Club, OIRA Administrator Dr. John Graham discussed the long history of centralized regulatory review and OMB's increased role in enhancing the analytic quality of federal regulations.

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    OIRA Administrator Encourages Public Participation in Development of Data Quality Guidelines
    In a speech to the National Academy of Engineering, OIRA Administrator Dr. John Graham encouraged the public to participate in the development of the Data Quality guidelines being prepared by every federal agency, including independent agencies. Dr. Graham also discussed the importance of centralized regulatory review, including its role in strengthening the use of science, engineering and economics in federal regulation.

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  • CRE Issues Report Proposing OMB Review of Independent Agency Rules
    CRE has issued a report entitled "A Blueprint for OMB Review of Independent Agency Regulations" which recommends that OMB review important proposed rules issued by independent agencies. This report addresses deficiencies identified by OMB with respect to the failure of independent agencies to subject their rules to economic and scientific analysis. CRE has filed its proposed plan with OMB, pursuant to Pub. L. No. 106-554, ß 624. As explained in the CRE report, OMB can implement the recommendations without the need for a new Executive Order or additional statutory authority.

  • Read CRE's letter to the OMB Director transmitting its Report on OMB Review of Independent Agency Regulations.
  • Read CRE's Report, "A Blueprint for OMB Review of Independent Agency Regulations."
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  • View past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items

    OIRA Administrator Discusses Role of Precaution in Risk Assessment in Speech to European Conference
    In a speech to an international conference examining precaution and risk management, OIRA Administrator Dr. John Graham discussed the important role of science in setting risk management priorities.

  • Click to read speech
  • Read about the conference, The U.S., Europe, Precaution and Risk Management: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of the Management of Risk in a Complex World
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    OMB Administrator Emphasizes the Importance of Data Quality
    During a speech on Executive Regulatory Review to the Weidenbaum Center Forum, OMB Administrator Dr. John Graham stressed the importance of the government-wide data quality guidelines being developed by each agency. Dr. Graham noted that each agency's guidelines would be subject to OMB review and the guidelines have the potential to enhance the quality and accountability of federal regulation.

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    OMB Issues Data Quality Guidelines Which Provide the Foundation for a Unified Federal Risk Assessment Program
    For more than two decades, the federal government has been attempting to establish guidelines for a consistent assessment of comparable risks across various agencies. OMB's recently promulgated Data Quality guidelines will go a long way in reducing such interagency differences. Inconsistencies will be narrowed, in part, because of the modifications made by OMB to its previously published interim Data Quality guidelines, based upon public comment. The Data Quality guidelines, coupled with OMB's regulatory review authorities set forth in Executive Order 12866, require that OMB review the risk assessments that underlie federal regulations to ensure both consistency across agencies and compliance with the guidelines.

  • Click here to review OMB's final Data Quality Guidelines
  • Read the history of the Federal Information Triangle.
  • Read the history of the Data Quality Act.
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  • View past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items

    Evolution Of The Quality Of Life Review Process
    CRE continues to assemble and publish key papers which led to the central review process in the White House Office of Management and Budget. In keeping with this task, CRE is publishing additional papers on the quality of life review, initiated by the Nixon Administration, which was the first central regulatory review process in OMB.

  • Click to review Quality of Life Review

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