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The Washington Post and New York Times on Data Quality
Definitive Data Quality Articles

2019-2024 | 2018-2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003-1997


Caution: It Could Be a Hermaphrodesiac

The Data Quality Act, Weston A. Price Foundation

New Law Could Cloud Access to EPA Information

Equal Treatment for Regulatory Science: Extending the Controls Governing the Quality of Public Research to Private Research

New Law Could Cloud Access to EPA Information

Caustic Commentary: The Data Quality Act

Former EPA General Counsel Recommends Data Quality Reforms


The Data Quality Act

Who's Blogging the Convention?

A little-known law may finally challenge the feds’ 30-year stall in recognizing medical marijuana. Maybe.

Smokeless and Mirrors: Stuff this in your pipe — and don’t smoke it.

Why lie about smokeless tobacco when a misleading half-truth will do?

Data Quality: Census Bureau Needs to Accelerate Efforts to Develop and Implement Data Quality Review Standards

OMB Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review

Judge's Rejection Of Data Quality Suit Seen As “Setback” For Industry

Information Quality Act

Follow Up on CRS on DQA

Developers squeeze Florida big cat

It's Not Just Pot - It's Medicine, Says Advocacy Group Challenging U.S. Marijuana Policies

Group Challenges U.S. Marijuana Law

Ensuring the Quality of Information Disseminated by the Federal Government

Uses of the "Compare . . . with" Citation Form

The Neutered CRS Report On The Data Quality Act

Regulations law wouldn’t apply to NOAA under Senate measure

The Master's Tools

Paralysis by Analysis: Jim Tozzi's regulation to end all regulation.

'Data Quality' Law Is Nemesis Of Regulation

Climate Control (Wall Street Journal)

New Initiative Planned to Get Marijuana Curbs Eased

Government Must Correct Medical Marijuana Misinformation

DQA Exemption Stripped from NOAA Bill

Senate Mounts Sneak Attack on Sound Science

Recent Developments that Threaten the Freedom and Integrity of Academic Research Center for Progressive Regulation

SEC Corporate Filings Subject To DQA?

Big Fat RINO

Who's Afraid of Sound Science?

Australians Following Data Quality Act Controversy

The Data Quality Act: Toward Greater Accountability In Regulation

OMB Instructs All Agencies to Post Data Quality Petitions

HHS: Data Quality Act Petitions

Industry Data Quality Challenge Weakens Dietary Guidelines: Deadline for Comments Sept. 27

Data Quality Act Provisions Incorporated Into Organic Legislation

Judge Questions Industry Effort To Have Courts Hear Data Law Complaints

Wanted: A Department of Anarchy VII

Debating Data Quality

Objectivity versus narrative coherence: science, environmental policy, and the U.S. Data Quality Act

The Data Quality Act, and actual journalism

Reply to Robert Caroll's Skeptic Dictionary Newsletter

The Data Quality Act Is Not All That New

US District Court Decision Allows DQA Petition Into Record

'Data Quality' Law Is Nemesis Of Regulation

Congress Moves to Incorporate Data Quality into ESA

Scary stories reg writers tell around the campfire: "Jim Tozzi and the Data Quality Act"

The Data Quality Act: A revolution in the role of science in policy making or a can of worms?

NGO Asks EPA to Repeal Data Quality Act

Industry Brief Seeks To Limit Precedent In Recent Data Quality Ruling

Government Watchdog Group Successfully Challenges Federal Health Policy on Data Quality Act Grounds

Lawmakers Urged To Respect Science, Avoid Politicization Of Data

The Reality of Data Quality Act's First Year: A Correction of OMB's Report to Congress - July 2004

Legislating “Sound Science”: The Data Access and Data Quality Laws

Court Rejects Claim in First Decision on Data Quality Act

FWS admits science mistakes in determining panther habitat

Paralysis by Analysis: Jim Tozzi's regulation to end all regulation.

Court's Data Quality Ruling Appears To Set Narrow Precedent

NOAA Pre-Dissemination Review Requirements

A Data Quality Petition on the FCC's Subscriber Line Charge

Interest Grows in Resurrecting Administrative Conference

Do Florida's panthers have room to roam?

The Data Quality Act: A revolution in the role of science in policy making or a can of worms?

Multi-Agency Data Quality Challenge on Global Warming Includes EPA

Fish & Wildlife Director Overrules His Own Scientific Panel

OMB Sends Congress 1st-Year Report on Data Quality Act

FCC Receives Data Quality Petition

ICANN Subject to Data Quality Act

OMB Watch Comments on CRE Proposal for Model State Legislation on Data Quality and Data Access