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The Washington Post and New York Times on Data Quality
Definitive Data Quality Articles

2019-2024 | 2018-2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003-1997


Happy Birthday Wishes to the Data Quality Act

New Senate Bill Would Ensure Quality Control In Climate Data

Groups sue to block CSA 2010

Conservative leaders attack Browner, Administration and Upton on climate science and clean energy

Editorial: Drilling Moratorium Lives

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness on FDA's Public Participation Program: Forcing the Public to Review Discredited Studies

National Cattlemens Beef Association States Serious Concerns in Comments Submitted to USDA on GIPSA Rule

How Effective are Pre-Appeal Brief Conferences?

A Combustible Mix For White House: Gulf Oil Spill And Politics

Edit Made Error In Drilling-Freeze Memo

DOI Secretary Salazar Awards Bad Science at USGS

A Combustible Mix For White House: Gulf Oil Spill And Politics

FWS Proposes Listing Of Two Midwest Mussels; Lists Three Southeastern Mussels As Endangered

White House editing overstated peer reviewers' role in DOI moratorium report, Inspector General concludes

Late-Night Editing Slipped Error Into Deepwater Drilling Moratorium Report

Data Quality: Concepts, Methodologies and Techniques (Data-Centric Systems and Applications)

Ruling Could Create 'Long Road' For Next Suit Over Data Quality Challenge

Overview of Data Quality Act and Regulatory Flexibility Act

Key Court Stymies Industry Bid For Judicial Review Of Data Quality Claims

The Ninth Circuit Does Not Want to be the Court Which Opens the Door to Legalizing Medical Marijuana, According to The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness


CRE's Proposed Interactive Public Dockets-Tilting the Regulatory Process Further in Industry's Favor

Salazar Sued for Contempt of Court in West Douglas Wild Horse Case

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness Invokes Data Quality Act Against FDA Menthol Tobacco Studies

Industry Attacks On EPA Mining Limits Could Industry Eyes Data Quality Challenge Of EPA Formaldehyde Risk Analysis

Industry Attacks On EPA Mining Limits Could Inform Data Quality Challenge

Take Sodium Advice With a Grain of Salt. Low Salt Crusade: Fact or Fiction?

EPA May Face New Data Challenge Over Changes To Key Dioxane Study

American Chemistry Council's Request for Correction on BPA Action Plan Exceeds the Limits of the Data Quality Act

Is EPA misleading the public about the climate benefits of recycled coal ash?

EPA Petitioned To Defend Data Underlying Key Regulatory Decisions

EPA and Partners Defend their PSA Campaign, Despite Objections from ACA and Others; ACA Lodges Complaint and Requests Correction of Information

Data Quality Act (Business-Managed Democracy)

Data Quality Act: Federal Agencies Must Promulgate Data Quality Guidelines

Flying Blind:The Data Quality Act and the Atmospheric Sciences

EPA Faces Growing Calls To Subject Science To Strict Data Quality Rules

Potentially Regulated Parties, White House Trying to Inject the Data Quality Act and Other Distractions Into EPA's IRIS Assessment Process

Industry Questions Data Quality, Objectivity Of EPA’s TCE Assessment

Industry Sees Ruling Opening Door To Court Review Of Data Quality Suits

NOAA says – Hottest (Warmest) March on Record

Federal Communications Commission: Broadband And Civic Engagement

Challenges to Utilizing Open Government

Scientists Recommend Ways to Restore Scientific Integrity to Government

The EPA and the Data Quality Act

Climategate:The Smoking Gun

Scientists Recommend Ways to Restore Scientific Integrity to Government

OSHA HazCom Hearing Today: What We'll Be Saying

Data Quality Act

The Endangered Species Act and “Sound Science”

Regulatory Models and the Environment: Practice, Pitfalls, and Prospects

“Transparency is… showing how you got what you got”

Climategate revisited

Researchers receive top honors for risk analysis paper

The EPA and the Data Quality Act

Additional Efforts to Halt EPA Climate Change Regulation

Nicotine Bees, a new film about the honeybee die-off issue

Accuracy and Precision Exercises Associated with 2006 TRAC Production Aging

The Science and the Politics of 9/11 Conference To Be Held in Madison, Wisconsin

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Cooperating Agency Status Report


DQA and Climate Change

The Need for the DQA

DQA Primer

Consumer Groups Lodge Complaint About FCC Studies

What Nanny Doesn't Want You To Know

Effects of sponsor identity and perceived data security on response rates and data quality

Mitigating Methylmercury Exposure

OMB Interferes in IRIS Assessments of Toxic Chemicals: Questions and Answers