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The Washington Post and New York Times on Data Quality
Definitive Data Quality Articles

2019-2024 | 2018-2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003-1997


Ravalli County commissioner to speak at wolf coordination meeting

Industry Signals Data Law Attack On EPA Air Rules Over Formaldehyde Risks

Vitter Calls on White House to Account for “Scientific Misconduct” in Federal Agencies

Request for Correction 40 CFR §302, Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification

Public Interest Groups Challenge Misleading Government Information Used to Justify Ethanol Mandates and Subsidies

EPA Biofuel Mandates Intensify World Hunger

House subcommittee holds hearing on environmental regulation and its impact on the economy

Daily Caller on DQA Peer Review

The EPA's Endangerment Finding Is Very Endangered

EPA’s Internal Watchdog Says EPA’s Climate Change Science Is Sloppy

Procedural Review of EPA’s Greenhouse Gases Endangerment Finding Data Quality Processes

Report: EPA cut corners on climate finding, ignored Data Quality Act, flouted peer review process

Applying a Life-Cycle Approach to Information Quality

Data Quality Act Now Law in Pennsylvania

United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) Applauds House Oversight & Government Reform Committee and the Leadership of Chairman Darrell Issa in Shining Light on Industry Killing FWS Rule

Arctic Ocean, Coastal and Meteorological Data Shared

Platinum Industry Association Responds to My Critique of Their DQA Complaint

Pennsylvania’s New Data Quality Act Requires Rulemaking Agencies to Rely On “Acceptable Data”

The Bolen Report: The Federal "Data Quality Act" Is Our Friend

Impact of the Data Quality Act on Decisionmaking at the Environmental Protection Agency

Pennsylvania’s New Data Quality Act Requires Rulemaking Agencies to Rely On “Acceptable Data”

Cause or Cure? Cost-Benefit Analysis and Regulatory Gridlock

Convicted CEO Giving DOJ Taste of Its Medicine

Increasing Public Access To Federal Contract Information - Reinvigorating The Data Access Act: Center For Regulatory Effectiveness In Science Magazine

Science Magazine DAA DQA

Data Quality Act One Way to Challenge EPA's ‘Flawed‘ Use of Science, Lawyer Says

Gulf Oil Spill Sticking Around A Year Later

USGS Denies Due Process to Reptile Industry

NMFS’ Pesticide BiOps Don’t Comply with NMFS’ IQA Pre-Dissemination Review Requirements

Scientific, fact-based evidence -vs- financially-supported political agendas Part 5

Effects of Climate Change on Energy Production and Use in the U.S.

White House Embraces Technology and Science-Based Decision-Making

IQA and Scientific Integrity Memo

TPSAC Meets on Menthol

House Panel Targets Agency 'Data Quality' Petitions, OMB Rule Review

Proposed Legislation

EIM for Federal Government

The Endangered Species Act and “Sound Science”

America's Coasts: View from the States

Special Regulation: Areas of the National Park System, National Capital Region

Big Cypress National Preserve Superintendent Defends "Addition" Lands ORV Use