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OMB Policy Statements

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December 2011

5 Lessons From Federal IT Project Reviews

Lessons From Federal IT Project Reviews

OMB Gets $5 Million For Shared Services Development

OMB Has One-Year Focus With IT Budget Guidance

OMB Asks Defense to Shift Programs Out of War Bill

November 2011

OMB Performance Specialist Demands 'More Mission for the Money'

White House Tallies Hours Spent Filling Out Forms

OMB Wants ‘Single Door' for Vendors at Each Agency

OMB Procurement Chief Leaving Administration

October 2011

OMB Employees Seek Work-Life Balance Via Union Vote

OMB Moves Ahead With Unloading Excess Real Estate

GAO Tells OMB to Ensure Federal CIOs Have More Power

Closing Data Centers Yields Smaller Payoff

Financial Taxes Can Raise Revenues, May Help Stabilize Markets

OMB Updates Data Center Consolidation Targets

GAO Recommends OMB Help Fund Long-Term Efficiency Initiatives

September 2011

White House Tallies Hours Spent Filling Out Forms

OMB Announces Final Guidance on Inherently Governmental Functions

August 2011

Online Tool Grades Feds On Efficiency

Office of Management and Budget Puts Accountability Online

Pentagon Officials Work With OMB on Budget Guidance

OMB: VanRoekel to Continue White House's IT Agenda

Budget Chaos Reigns: 2012, 2013 Plans in Disarray in Wake of Debt Deal

White House Backs Reid Debt-Limit Measure

July 2011

Possible Showdown on Congressional Oversight

OMB Director: ‘Not an Option’ for No Debt Ceiling Hike

OMB Disclosure of Energy-Loan Emails Not Enough to Avoid House Subpoena


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