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The following materials are contained on the CRE website. Please click on the highlighted section to immediately be taken to the topic of interest or scroll down to browse the website generally.

I. Home Page

About CRE

CRE Advisory Board

CRE Electronic Newsletter

CRE Report Card

Site Map / Table of Contents


Federal Websites Links Directory

Contact Information

II. The Data Access Issue

Background Information

Background and Basis for CRE Interest

New York Adopts Law to Guarantee Public Access to Scientific Data Used by State Regulatory Agencies

NIH Takes Lead in Implementing Data Access Rule Through Issuance of Guidance to Grantees and Applicants

CRE Sponsors Data Access Cost Reimbursement Symposium

Agencies Issue Interim Final Rule for Codification of Data Access

OMB Issues Final Rule on Circular A-110

OMB Reproposal of Circular A-110

CRE Introduction to OMB Reproposal

OMB Additonal Request for Comment

Fact Sheet on Data Access

Price-Walsh Amendment Text

House Rejects Price-Walsh Amendment

Data Access/Data Quality Information to Come

CRE Comments on Data Access

Strategy for Implementing Data Access Objectives

CRE comments to EPA on its March 22, 1999 memorandum to Administrator

CRE comments to OMB on its August 11, 1999 reproposal

Three Key Protections for Intellectual Property

CRE Comments on Proposed OMB Rule

Arguments Against Price-Walsh Amendment

Correspondence on Data Access

Letter from four Senators to OMB Director

Letter from Congressman Udall to OMB

Letter from Congressman Holt to OMB

Letter from 17 Congress Members to OMB Director

"Dear Colleague" Letter from Members of Congress to Appropriations Committee Members Opposing Price-Walsh

"Dear Colleague" Letter from Members of Congress Opposing Price-Walsh

Letter from Senators Shelby and Lott to Congressman Young Opposing Price-Walsh

Letter from Senators to OMB Director with Comments on Proposed Revision to OMB Circular A-110

Letter from Congress Member Emerson to OMB Director

OMB Director's Response to Letter from Congress Member Emerson

Documents from Other Sources

Data Access Comments on Interactive Public Docket

Medical Sentinel Announces New Data Access Policy

NIH, DOE, DOD Awarded $3.3 Million in Grants to Scientist Who Faked EMF Data

Letter from Former OIRA Administrators

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - Federal Focus Data Access Symposium

Transcript of the PBS Series "TechnoPolitics" Discussing the Data Access Issue (March 13, 1999)

National Research Council Press Release on "Open Exchange of Scientific Data" (April 10, 1997)

CRE-National Academy of Sciences (et al.) Dialogue on Data Access

III. The Data Quality Issue

CRE Receives Comments on its Draft Data Quality Rule

Richard B. Belzer, Washington University, Center for the Study of American Business

Daniel M. Byrd III, Consultants in Toxicology, Risk Assessment, and Product Safety

James V. DeLong, Regulatory Policy Center

Kenneth Green, Reason Public Policy Institute

James O'Reilly, University of Cincinnati College of Law

Peter Voytek, Regulatory Sciences International

Roger Walk, Philip Morris USA

Background Information

Congress Directs EPA to Assess Opportunities for Judicial Review of Agency Information

OSHA Data Initiative Offers Opportunity to Enhance Data Quality

Rules for Ensuring the Quality of Data Disseminated by Federal Agencies (OMB)

OMB Requests Comments on Circular A-130: A Potential Mechanism for Correction of Federal Government Information

OMB Provides Interim Mechanism for Implementing Data Quality Measures Recommended by Congress and CRE

OMB Hosts Meeting as Part of New Data Quality Initiative

CRE Comments on Data Quality

CRE Petitions EPA to Modify EPA's Global Warming Website to Correct the Misleading and Incorrect Presentation of Information to the Public

CRE Explains Why EPA Must Deny and Dismiss the Pending Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by the International Center for Technology Assessment, to Regulate "Greenhouse Gases" from Motor Vehicles

Representative Emerson Issues Letter Asking OMB for Update on Data Quality Regulations and a Response to the CRE Draft Data Quality Rule

EPA Studies Demonstrate A Major Reduction in Dioxin Levels

CRE Proposes Draft Data Quality Regulation

Strategy for Implementing Data Quality Objectives

CRE comments to EPA on its March 22, 1999 memorandum to Administrator

How OMB Data Quality Regulations Will Help Resolve Disputes Over Global Warming

Correspondence on Data Quality

EPA Responds to CRE Interactive Public Docket Comment on Data Quality

Letter from Congress Member Emerson to OMB Director

OMB Director's Response to Letter from Congress Member Emerson

Letter from Congress Member Bliley to OMB Director

Letter from CRE to Congress Member Bliley

Other Federal Agency Developments Related to Data Quality

Memorandum from Administrator Browner on the Information Integration Initiative

IV. Regulation by Litigation

CRE Overview

The HUD Gun Suit

CRE Survey on the HUD Gun Suit

Public Comment on the Hud Gun Suit

Microsoft Litigation

Washington Post article on Microsoft

CRE Survey on Microsoft Litigation

Regulation by Litigation Issues Under Development

Biotechnology Industry

Paint Industry (leaded)



V. Regulation by Information

CRE Appeals EPA's Denial of FOIA Request for Names of Facilities EPA May Be Targeting for Clean Air Act Enforcement Action

Full Text of Damus Declaration

Plaintiffs' Briefing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction

Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction

Judge Hogann's Opinion

Proposed Amendment to Paperwork Reduction Act

VI. Regulation by Appropriation

VII. Special Projects

Court May Stay 9th RoC "Known Carcinogen" Listing in Tozzi v. HHS

Tozzi Plaintiffs Again Delay Final Issuance of Dioxin Listing

NTP Postpones Its "Imminent" Release of 9th RoC Until May 15, 2000, Following Hearing in Tozzi v. HHS.

Litigation over 9th RoC

Bitter Medicine: Pharmaceutical Listings in the Report on Carcinogens

Background on Ninth Report on Carcinogens (NIEHS/NTP)

Letter to the Director of NIEHS

Attachment to Letter

Letter from Director of MBS to Oakland Environmental Services Manager

Regulatory and Legislative Impacts of the Ninth Report on Carcinogens

NTP Board of Scientific Counselors to Meet on Tenth Report on Carcinogens

Summary of NTP's October 1999 Public Meeting on the Report on Carcinogens Program

VIII. CRE Watch List

EPA Announces Availability of Revised Pesticide Science Policy Document

IRS Clarifies Tax Reporting Requirements

IRS Clarifies Tax Reporting Requirements

SM: Labor Submits OSHA Information Request to OMB

IRS Clarifies Tax Reporting Requirements

SM: EPA is Improperly Using Proposed, Unvalidated Tests to Assess and Regulate Herbicides and Other Substances

ATF Requests Comments on Letterhead Applications and Notices Filed by Brewers

Department of Education Invites Comments on Proposed Information Request Regarding Centers for Independent Living Program

SM: EPA Solicits Comments on Two Draft Pesticide Science Policy Documents Concerning Pesticide Risk Assessment in Drinking Water

EPA Announces Availability of Revised Pesticide Science Policy Document

OMB Establishes New Rates for Hospital and Medical Care Treatment Provided by the United States

Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR) Announces the Availability of Seven Expert Panel Reports on Phthalate Esters and Solicits Public Comments on these Reports

CRE Issues Report on SEC Auditor Independence Rule

Legal Opinion Concludes Tech Transfer Act is Reviewable in Court

SM: MSHA Requests Comment on Proposed Information Collection Related to Gamma Radiation Exposure Record

SM: Justice, Treasury, and OMB Extend Deadline for Public Comment Regarding Proposed Financial Privacy and Bankruptcy Study

EPA's GPRA Plans Jeopardized By "Me-Too" FIFRA Registrations

SM: FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Mammography Quality Standards Act

SM: OSHA Data Initiative Offers Opportunity to Enhance Data Quality

SM: When it Comes to Monopoly-Busting, There is No Resting in Peace for the Feds (Even if the Target Happens to be Involved in a Piously Inclined Business)

SM: OMB Announces Information Collection and Request for Public Comments

SM: CRE Issues Report Card On SEC Auditor Independence Rule

SM: USTR and CEQ Seek Second Set of Comments on Environmental Guidelines

SM: EPA Establishes Error Reporting and Correction Process for "TRI" Database

SM: OMB Requests Public Comment on Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form

SM: FCC Chairman Announces Plans for Cable TV-Internet Access Proceeding

SM: Associated General Contractors of America and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Announce Partnering Initiative

SM: CRE Proposes a Limited Extension of the Form Permitting Data to be Used for Small Disadvantaged Business Procurement Credits Until the Administration Proposes Regulations Implementing the Supreme Court Decision in Adarand Constructors, Inc.

SM: Clinton Administration Proposes Enhanced Consumer Privacy Legislation for the Financial Services Industry

SM: Transportation Department Publishes List of Actions Under Review

SM: Social Security Administration (SSA) Successfully Fulfills Requirements for Computer Matching Program

SM: EPA Safeguards Confidential Business Information

SM: Department of Justice Antitrust Procedures in Grain Case Offers Template for Resolving Microsoft Litigation

SM: A Private Sector Proposal to the FTC to Protect the Online Privacy of Children

SM: US Civil Rights Commission Surveys: Another Case of Paperwork Reduction Act Evasion

SM: Proposed NASD/SEC Regulation to Raise the Day Trading Margin Requirement From $2,000 to $25,000

SM: USDA-HHS Advisory Committee Issues Recommendations for U.S. Dietary Guidelines.

PostalWatch attacks new regulation on Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies

Cancer Risk Assessment Guidelines (EPA)

Risk Assessment for Dioxin and Related Compounds (EPA)

Risk Characterization Handbook (EPA)

OMB Report to Congress on the Costs and Benefits of Federal Regulation

IX. Emerging Regulatory Issues

Agriculture Department Announces Meeting of Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology

SM: Labor Seeks Information Regarding Disclosure Obligations of Fiduciaries of Employee Benefit Plans Governed by ERISA

National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics to Hold Meeting

SM: ATSDR Proposes Information Collection for Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Releases List of Sites for which it Completed Public Health Assessments from April through June 2000

SM: FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Mammography Quality Standards Act

MBS Report on Regulatory Mandates in the Medicare Modernization Act of 2000

OMB Seeks Comment on Standards for Defining Metropolitan Areas

SM: OMB Publishes Changes to OMB Circular A-76 Revised Supplemental Handbook

SM: Corps of Engineers and EPA Clarify that Mechanized Excavation Activities are Likely to Result in Discharge of Dredged Material Subject to Regulation

President's Information Technology Advisory Committee Announces Meeting

Justice Announces Proposed Decree with American Chemical Services, Inc., et. al.

HCFA Proposes New System of Records

FDA Announces Withdrawal of Food Additive Petition

Agriculture Increases Desirable Carryout of Raisins Produced from California Grapes

Regulatory Implications of Mixing Criminal Liability and Product Liability

FDA Amends Food Additive Regulations

SM: MSHA Protects Miner Safety with Help from Depts. of Labor and HHS

SM: EPA Proposes to Clean up the Diesel Engine's Act with New Emission Standards

SBC Communications Inc. Opposes Breakup of Bundling by FCC

EPA Responds to CRE Challenge of Inconsistency in Cancer Hazard Descriptors

SM: OMB Requests Public Comment on Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form

CRE Receives Comments on EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Radionuclides

Rule by FAA Receives No Comments from Manufacturer Or Public

FTC Endorses Self-Regulation Proposal from Internet Advertisers

SSA Official Responds to CRE Regarding Opportunities for Public Comment

EPA to Begin Accepting Applications for Brownfields Pilots

Wood Products Maker Settles Charges with Government for $11.2 Million

SM: NHTSA Takes Lead in Addressing Driver Distraction

SSA Bypasses Regulatory Procedures in Order to Get Tough with Benefits Cheaters

EPA Responds to CRE Challenge of Inconsistency in Cancer Hazard Descriptors

Bell Atlantic Opposes Breakup of Bundling by FCC

Is the EPA setting the stage for another loss in court?

SM: Associated General Contractors of America and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Announce Partnering Initiative

Senate Unanimously Approves Truth in Regulating Act of 1999

SM: In an effort to raise awareness of children's online privacy protection, the Federal Trade Commission is seeking to identify organizations to participate in and co-sponsor a campaign designed to promote the FTC's implementation of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

SM: FCC Invites Comment on Information Collection Regarding Creation of Wireless Medical Telemetry Service

SM: EPA Solicits Comments on its Information Collection Procedures

Bank of America Supports An Expansive Definition of Personal Data Which Can Be Released

SM: OSHA Promulgates Interim Final Rule to Comply with Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFOIA)

Labor Department Explains Notices of Workers' Eligibility for Benefits from Two Assistance Programs

EEOC's Obligation to Implement a U.S. Supreme Court Decision Dealing with Quotas for Federal Contracts

New York Adopts Law to Guarantee Public Access to Scientific Data Used by State Regulatory Agencies

DOT Electronic Docket Greatly Improves Rulemaking Transparency

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Clarifies Selection Criterion for Advisory Board Membership

SM: Corps of Engineers to Cease Publication of Regulatory Guidance Letters In the Federal Register A New Way to Save Money?

SM: Federal Banking Agencies Have Issued Proposed Rules Which Deal with the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information. The Question is, Do the Proposed Rules Go Too Far or Not Far Enough?

SM: President Clinton Signs Executive Order Directing Environmental Review as Part of Trade Agreements. Call for Public Comments Issued.

SM: Cell Phone Tower Health and Safety Issues on Agenda at NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors Meeting March 10.

SM: USDA-HHS Advisory Committee Issues Recommendations for U.S. Dietary Guidelines. Meeting Announced and Call for Public Comments Issued.

SBA Issues Annual Report on Implementation of the Regulatory Flexibility Act for FY 1999

Supreme Court Ruling in Air-Bag Case Could Reshape Corporate Liability

Use of the Internet as a "Backdoor" Federal Register

Alleged Overstatement of Corporate Profits Could Lead to SEC Regulation

EPA's Better America Bonds

Side Air Bags

Council give AP Environmental Science Textbooks a C Average for being Light on Science

X. SM: CRE's Regulatory Action of the Week

Past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week Items

XI. Consumer Response Service

Negative Communication: Proliferation of Websites Targeting Selected Industry Projects

Positive Communication: CRE Consumer Response Service

XII. Interactive Public Docket

Introducing the Interactive Public Docket

Background and the Data Access Issue Why an Interactive Docket?

Expansion to National Toxicology Program

Make a Comment

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Data Access Comments

Introduction to IPD on Data Access

OMB Data Access Proposals

Third Party comments to OMB

CRE analysis of comments

Comments to CRE's IPD

Data Quality Comments

National Toxicology Program Comments

Comments to CRE on Other Topics