Corps Ignores Data Quality Act
The U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers has ignored the Data Quality Act's requirement that all federal agencies subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act, including the Corps, develop and publish agency-specific Data Quality Act Guidelines. The Corps' guidelines were required to be published in final by October 1, 2002, after OMB review of, and public comment on, draft Guidelines. The Corps has not even prepared draft Guidelines. Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility has sent a letter to OMB advising them of the Corps' violation of the Data Quality Act. PEER's letter asks OMB what actions it intends to take with regard to this issue.
Click to read PEER's OMB letter.
NAS Panel Does Not Recommend Additional Regulation of Dioxin
Dioxin is certainly one of the most controversial chemicals in recent history. As a result of this controversy EPA conducted a ten year study and concluded that background levels constitute a risk. This conclusion was opposed by a number of groups. Consequently EPA referred the issue to the National Academy of Science. The Academy concluded:
"Because the risks posed by the amount of dioxins found in foods have yet to be determined, we are recommending simple, prudent steps to further reduce dioxin exposure while data are gathered that will clarify the risks," said Robert Lawrence, a Johns Hopkins University associate dean and chair of the committee that wrote the NAS report.
This is precisely the arguments made by the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness years ago in court.
Tozzi v. EPA, (D.D.C. Civ. No. 98-00169)
Click to read the entire article
Stopping the Drug Diversion Trade
CRE is launching a major initiative to stop the drug diversion trade through improvements to the regulatory system. Drug diversion, and the intertwined crimes of adulteration and counterfeiting, is widely recognized by the federal government, state governments, industry and the media, as a growing threat to public health throughout the United States. Drug diversion occurs when prescription pharmaceuticals do not follow the proper distribution chain from manufacturer to patient. Instead, diverted pharmaceuticals pass through a complex series of transactions before being dispensed to patients or other persons. Reimportation allows additional opportunities for diversion, adulteration and counterfeiting. Congressional concern about drug diversion and the associated contamination of the nation's pharmaceutical supply was a key factor spurring passage of the Prescription Drug Marketing Act (PDMA) of 1987. However, despite this law, federal agencies have not taken all of the necessary steps to restrict the illicit trade in pharmaceuticals. As the first step in our campaign, CRE has written a white paper, Dirty Deals: The Drug Diversion Trade, How it Victimizes the Vulnerable and How to Stop It. This paper is available on the Drug Diversion forum on CyberActivist.US. CRE requests that interested parties:
1) Provide us with your comments on the drug diversion issues; and
2) Provide us with anecdotal information about the drug diversion trade.
Click to read the Drug Diversion forum and the "Dirty Deals" paper
Click to comment
The Cost of E-Government
Watchdog organizations are debating whether e-government projects will save the government money. Expected cost-savings from streamlining technical processes and eliminating duplicative computer systems has been a key justification for undertaking e-government initiatives. However, a leading expert opined that, "successful e-government projects might end up costing taxpayers money" by stimulating public demand for services provided by federal agencies. Similar views were expressed by officials from EPA and SBA. Although the discussion of e-government at the forum sponsored by Council for Excellence in Government focused on "big picture" issues, such as the nature of potential savings from e-government, CRE believes that the specific policies which guide the selection and implementation of e-government projects need to be fully analyzed in order to assess project costs, benefits and efficiency.
Click to read Government Executive article
Click to read Government Computer News article
Click to comment
FTC Seeks Additional Regulatory Authority to Prevent Unsolicited E-mail
The Federal Trade Commission is asking Congress for increased regulatory authority over unsolicited e-mail, commonly known as "spam." Specific powers sought by the Commission include the authority to develop new regulations defining and banning deceptive or abusive e-mail messages and to issue "discovery subpoenas" to internet service providers when investigating entities accused of sending spam. One Senator is pushing the FTC to engage in "high visibility" enforcement actions should Congress pass anti-spam legislation. However, FTC Chairman Muris explained that the Commission already made prosecution of fraudulent spam a high priority and the agency has already acted against a number of spammers. As Commissioner Swindle noted, "We have had recently a number of relatively good hangings, but the spam goes on." The Commissioner is quoted as stating, that what was needed was "solid, narrowly defined laws that don't do more damage than they do good ... and we have to have technology improvements."
Click to read article
Click to comment
Federal Court Rules That Escaping Aquaculture Salmon Are Pollutants Requiring Clean Water Act Permit
A federal judge in the United District Court for Maine recently ruled that commercially raised Salmon which escape from their pens into the ocean are "pollutants" requiring permits under the Clean Water Act. In this decision, United States Public Interest Research Group v. Atlantic Salmon of Maine (D. Me. 2003), the judge fined the aquaculture companies in question because they did not have CWA Permits, and ordered them to shut down their operations by emptying their pens. The judge found in his opinion that the commercially raised salmon were genetically different from wild salmon and damage them genetically by inbreeding with the wild salmon. The activist group PIRG brought the case under the CWA's citizen suit provision.
Click to read the Court's Opinion
Click here for CyberActivist.US
CyberActivist.US: Using the Internet to Enhance Public Participation in the Regulatory Process
The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness has initiated a new website, CyberActivist.US, designed to provide a new, substantive and transparent mechanism for expanding the opportunities �� and quality �� of stakeholder participation in the public policy process. The website site contains a number of discussion topics and you are encouraged to participate. The current discussion topics range from our soliciting the views on a policy statement issued by the Federal Trade Commission to a Data Quality Act petition filed with DOT by an informed citizen.
The site has several purposes. First, our large federal readership will be able to view, on a real-time basis, the concerns of influential stakeholders on ongoing rulemakings, including those for which the public comment period has expired. Our Federal readers will also be able to vent public policy issues in a worldwide forum.
Second, stakeholders will be able to initiate discussions on regulatory issues that are not presently the subject of a regulatory proceeding.
Third, stakeholders will be able to build cyber-coalitions on topics of interest to them.
The strength of CyberActvism.US is in its informed and diverse multinational readership. We are launching CyberActivism.US at this time because of the spectacular traffic enjoyed by our anchor site,
Click here for CyberActivist.US
CRE Files Comments on Atrazine IRED
CRE's comments on EPA's "Interim" Interim Registration Eligibility Decision for atrazine raised several test validation issues. The Agency's "Final" IRED is due in October after SAP review of the amphibian endocrine effects issue.
Click here for a detailed discussion of CRE's IRED comments.
Dupont Ordered
to Perform Non-Validated Tests
On April 18, 2003, a West Virginia state court ordered DuPont to
pay for blood tests of perfluorooctanate acid (PFOA) in residents
near the company's Washington, West Virginia plant. DuPont is appealing
this order, which was issued in class action litigation alleging
exposure and harmful effects from PFOA releases from the plant.
CRE understands that the test that DuPont must use to comply with
the order has never been properly validated and that there are questions
regarding its accuracy and reliability. Under similar circumstances,
and in response to a Data Quality Act petition filed by CRE and
agricultural groups, EPA stated that non-validated tests for atrazine's
endocrine effects could not be used for any regulatory purpose and
additional tests for these effects should be performed once properly
validated test protocols have been developed. To their credit, DuPont
and 3M are working with CDC to validate a reproducible and reliable
tests to measure PFOA in human blood. CRE believes that, until such
tests have been developed, any PFOA testing done pursuant to the
state court order could not be considered accurate, reliable and
reproducible; therefore, such tests could not be consistent with the Data Quality Act.
Click here for discussion of atrazine non-validated test issue
CRE Regulatory Services
Teflon Under Fire
On April 14th, EPA announced that it was accelerating its TSCA review of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical used to make Teflon and other purposes. EPA's announcement follows an April 11th petition by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) which asks EPA to investigate whether DuPont violated TSCA Section 8(e) by failing to provide EPA information DuPont allegedly had regarding the reproductive effects of PFOA. The information allegedly includes blood tests that Dupont performed during the 1980s on pregnant employees at a West Virginia plant. In a press release, DuPont denies the Petition's allegations. DuPont contends, "There is no evidence or data that demonstrates PFOA causes adverse human effects, including developmental or reproductive effects, in any segment of human population." DuPont further notes that the information at issue "is an informal recording of the presence of low levels of PFOA in eight blood samples taken from female employees in or near the fluoropolymer manufacturing area at DuPont's Parkersburg, W. Va., site in the early 1980s." While "the information records one confirmed birth defect, there is no indication that it was caused by exposure to PFOA." EPA cautions that there is much uncertainty regarding this issue, and that it "does not believe there is any reason for consumers to stop using any consumer or industrial related products." EPA and the industry have agreed that the industry will submit new data to EPA by June 15.
Click to read the EPA Press Release
Click to read the EWG petition
Click to read the DuPont's position
CRE Regulatory Services
USTR Ordered to Appoint Environmentalist to FACA Panel
A federal district court in Seattle recently ordered USTR to appoint an environmental group representative to the Industry Sector Advisory Committee on Chemicals and Allied Products for Trade Policy Matters ("ISAC-3"). This is a FACA Advisory Group that was established to ensure that U.S. trade policies and negotiation objectives adequately reflect U.S. commercial and economic interests. An environmental group, the Washington Toxics Coalition, sued the Government claiming that an environmental group representative was required in order to ensure that ISAC-3 was "fairly balanced" as required by FACA.
Click to read more
CRE Regulatory Services
Federal Register in Brief; Precedential Regulatory Process Changes HUD Use and Update of Regulatory Calendar
Recently over 100 agencies, or components thereof, published their semi-annual agenda of regulations under development. For easy access by the regulated community, CRE has linked them on its home page in the entry entitled Regulations Under Development - By Agency. HUD in the notice below has notified the public of a change in the scheduled release date for a particular entry. Unfortunately there is no way to change the entry on the calendar. The e-rulemaking project, in concert with the Regulatory Information Service Center, should consider making the calendar available online with a continued update capability.
Click here for Regulations Under Development
Click here for HUD notice
FTC Regulatory Review
Under the current Chairman Tim Murris the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) has breathed new life into the office of planning. FTC has
long been recognized for its economic expertise. The office of planning
and other FTC professionals have instituted a very active participation
program in Federal and State regulatory activities. The office has
participated in numerous rulemakings. The activities of this office will
now be included on the CRE website.
Click to view FTC comments on State and Federal regulations
CRE Regulatory Services
Criticism of
EPA is Elevated to an Unproductive Level
In a September 10th public comment, an EPA critic chided the collective
agency as "dictatorial fascists" in response to a proposed
rule, "Control of Emissions From Spark-Ignition Marine Vessels
and Highway Motorcycles." This proposed rule supplements an
earlier action to establish regulations for vehicular air pollution
as required by the Clean Air Act. The first part of the effort included
off-highway motorcycles. The critical author determines that the
proposed rule will negatively impact Harley Davidson, whose engines
emissions would violate the rule. The author threatens legal action
from the Motorcycles Riders Foundation (MRF) and the ACLU if EPA
adopts the rule. The EPA acknowledges that the rule will affect
the industry, especially small businesses. The critic's rhetoric
detracts from the otherwise sound prediction.
Click to read Comment
CRE Regulatory Services
NHTSA Rulemaking Upgrading Tire Performance Standards Has Not Complied with the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has not complied with
the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act and OMB Circular A-119
in their rulemaking to upgrade tire performance standards. The Act and
Circular require that agencies use voluntary technical standards in regulations
unless doing so would be contrary to law or impractical. However, even though
a number of private consensus and consortia standards are available for adoption
by NHTSA, including a draft international standard the agency participated in
developing, NHTSA has proposed using a government-unique standard in the tire
standard regulation.
Click to read CRE letter to NHTSA
Click to read CRE paper documenting NHSTA's failure to comply
with the Technology Transfer Act
CRE Regulatory Services
EPA Settlement with Sierra Club Draws Criticism from SBA
In a Federal Register Notice issued on Monday, August 26, 2002,
the EPA solicited public comment on a ruling involving an initial
agreement that has been reached between the EPA and the Sierra Club
concerning the final rule of a case under Section 112 of the Clean
Air Act, which in part calls for the EPA to reduce the period between
Part 1 and Part 2 applications from 24 months to 12 months for
promulgating MACT standards. The Office of Advocacy of the SBA
sent a letter to an EPA official opposing the settlement, arguing
that reducing the time period between Part 1 and Part 2 applications
would impose a heavy economic burden upon small businesses and small
agencies, overburdening the latter with an anticipation of "completing
'case by case' MACT determinations". The Office of Advocacy goes on to
state that "the action would force an estimated 80,000 facilities...many
of which are small businesses, to complete the burdensome, needless,
and counterproductive Part 2 applications", arguing that the complexity
of completing Part 2 applications requires a level of expertise exceeding
the capabilities of small businesses that are likely to be affected
by the settlement.
Click to read the EPA Sierra Club settlement
Click to read the SBA Comments
CRE Regulatory Services
CEQ Releases Policy Statement on Amendment to Environmental Quality Improvement
The CEQ released a policy statement promulgating new policies and
procedures for the Office of Environmental Quality Management Fund
(OEQ Management Fund), which was created in 1982 as an amendment
to the Environmental Quality Act, discussing the purpose, definitions,
policy and procedures of the policy changes. The outlines provided
in the Amendment regarding the OEQ Management fund would serve as
a useful model for other Federal Agencies, specifically with respect
to procedures relating to drafting charters and charter amendments.
Click to read Federal Register Notice
CRE Regulatory Services
FCC Announces Start of Biennial Regulatory Review
In a September 26th announcement, FCC opened the public comment solicitation period in its 2002 Biennial Review of Telecommunications Regulations, which was officially released on September 23, 2002. The review, a broader version of the two previous reviews from 1998 and 2000, will be within the purview of five FCC bureaus and offices: International Bureau; Wireline Competition Bureau; Office of Engineering and Technology; Wireless Telecommunications Bureau; Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. The fate of four FCC broadcast ownership rules are a key component of the review. The FCC also solicits opinions of the issue of determining information deemed "necessary in the public interest".
Click to read announcement
Click to read summary of announcement
CRE Regulatory Services
Regulatory Flexibility Executive Order Applies to Independent Agencies
Executive Order 13272, signed on August 13, 2002, sets new requirements
for Federal agencies to comply with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, "as
amended (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) (The Act)." This order is a
strong statement from the Executive Branch in imposing procedural requirements
on independent agencies. CRE recommends that Executive Order 13272 be
complemented by adopting CRE's Blueprint for OMB review of independent
agency regulation.
Click to read Executive Order
Click to read CRE Program for Review of Independent Agencies
CRE Regulatory Services
New Rule on Propane Canisters to take Effect in the State of New York
The appendment to a rule setting new limits on the size of propane canisters, which is currently permitted by Pamphlet No. 58 of the National Fire Protection Association, is scheduled to take effect January 3, 2003. The rule is a variation on the International Fire Code, which allows the use of propane canisters weighing up to 12 and 50 pounds. NAPA (The National Asphalt Pavement Association) is currently negotiating with the New York Department of State to bring New York up to code with other states currently using rules contained within the International Codes. For details relating to old and revised language used in the rule, contact Richard Brescia of the New York Propane Gas Association: (518)449-3333.
CRE Regulatory Services
National Academies Committee Finds No Evidence of Adverse Health Effects from EPA Biosolids Regulations
In July, a committee of the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies of Science (NAS) issued a report containing the findings from an exhaustive 18-month review of EPA's regulatory requirements for land application of biosolids. The committee, noting that there had been anecdotal allegations of disease, stated as its foremost finding that there was no documented evidence that the EPA regulations have failed to protect public health. Nevertheless, to more fully meet public concerns about land application practices and to address data gaps, the committee recommended that EPA work to update the scientific basis for its regulations. On September 6th, the National Academies disseminated an op-ed piece by the Committee Chair for the report which re-emphasized the finding of no evidence of adverse health effects and which observed that the op-ed appeared necessary because some press accounts of the report had focused only on criticisms of EPA's past efforts and did not fully reflect the committee's findings and recommendations.
Click to review the op-ed by the NRC Committee Chair
CRE Regulatory Services
NAS to Host Symposium on the Role of Scientific and Technical Data
and Information in the Public Domain
On September 5-6, 2002, the National Academy of Science will host a Symposium
on the Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public
Domain. The meeting will bring together experts from the public and private
sectors who are involved in creation, dissemination, and use of scientific
and technical data, in order to discuss various legal, economic, and technological
issues related to such information. The meeting is free and open to the
public, but advance registration is required. CRE urges interested parties
to attend this important meeting.
Click to review the NAS press release
on the Symposium
Click to register for the NAS Symposium
CRE Regulatory Services
Regulatory Watchdogs
To better inform its readers as to significant organizations influencing
rulemakings, CRE has established a list of regulatory watchdog websites.
CRE will update this list annually. We define a regulatory watchdog as
an organization whose primary activity is to either participate directly
in a wide range of regulatory proceedings or, through their website, to
significantly influence the participation of other persons in such rulemakings.
To qualify for CRE's listing, in general, the fundamental theshhold a
website must meet is that it have traffic in the top one-half of one percent
of all websites. Inclusion on CRE's list of Regulatory Watchdogs does
not necessarily indicate endorsement or support of their positions.
Since these watchdog
organizations play such an important role, CRE is starting "Watchdog
Watch" This new feature will provide analyses of statements made by
these groups on their websites.
Click to view a list of Regulatory Watchdogs
Click to submit a comment
CRE Regulatory Services
The Heartland Institute Reports on "Fat Tax" and America's War on Obesity
The Heartland Institute has published articles following various efforts by public health experts and public interest groups to reign in America's appetite for fatty foods, with a 2001 U.S. Surgeon General's report declaring obesity to be a "public health epidemic." For example, Heartland recently reported on the idea of a "fat tax" to compensate society for added costs of medical care related to obesity, an idea which they say goes back to 1967. It is also noted that trial lawyers are eager to advance this agenda (and earn considerable fees) by bringing lawsuits against the food industry, based upon the model of the States' Tobacco Litigation. Fat, in moderation, is essential to a healthful diet, so the idea of taxes, bans, or lawsuits related to specific food items can only lead to a regulatory morass. The public deserves reliable scientific information so that they can make informed nutrition choices, but ultimately, some modicum of personal responsibility and common sense must hold sway.
Read Food and Obesity articles by the Heartland Institute:
Anti-Obesity Activists Take Aim at the Food Industry
New Round Fired in Fat Wars
Food and Drink Police
Click to submit a comment
CRE Regulatory Services
SBA Issues Letter to EPA Regarding Failure to Comply with Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Small Business Administration's (SBA) Office of Advocacy recently issued a letter to EPA challenging the agency's failure to meet the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) in its proposed rule on Control of Emissions from Land-based Recreational Engines. EPA issued an earlier related rulemaking on tailpipe emissions for such vehicles; however, the latest proposed regulation would finalize completely new and specific requirements for fuel tanks. EPA has failed to comply with the RFA by either: (1) providing small entities an opportunity to comment on the burdens imposed by such requirements or (2) undertaking the necessary economic analyses to certify that the rule would not have a significant economic impact on small entities. CRE agrees with SBA that EPA should take the necessary steps to comply with all Good Government laws, including the RFA, when conducting rulemakings.
Review the SBA Office of Advocacy letter to EPA
Review EPA's proposed regulation (67 FR 21613, May 1, 2002).
CRE Regulatory Services
Click to submit a comment
Federal Agencies Launch E-Government Initiative by Posting Electronic Rulemaking Dockets on Agency Websites
Over the past few years, agencies have increasingly used the Internet to disseminate information to the public. However, certain leading agencies -- EPA, DOT, OSHA -- have taken the next step by posting on their websites electronic rulemaking dockets, complete with public comments received on a given issue. CRE believes that E-Government and electronic dockets represent a major advance in terms of opportunities for public participation in the rulemaking process, which may concomitantly lead to better regulations. The Center seeks to contribute to the E-Government Initiative by offering this portion of its website as a central nexus to access agency E-Dockets. CRE will update the following links as we become aware of new agencies posting E-Dockets.
Click to access available agency E-Dockets
Click to submit a comment
AHRQ Seeks Comment on Report on "Systems to Rate the Strength of Scientific Evidence"
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking public comments on an important new report designed to help create systems to rate scientific information found in healthcare research studies. CRE believes that the study and AHRQ's efforts in this field will be useful in ensuring that healthcare research studies are based upon sound science and high quality information. The Center believes that such systems, when identified and implemented, will also further the goals of the Data Quality Act. AHRQ is accepting comments on its report until August 22, 2002.
Click to to review the AHRQ Federal Register notice (67 F.R. 36606, May 24, 2002)
Click to read the AHRQ Report
Click to submit a comment
CDC to Survey Users of the Agency's Website
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently requested OMB clearance of a consumer satisfaction survey for users of its website, in order to determine whether the information, services, and materials on the site are well presented and meet the needs and preferences of its many and varied "customers." CRE believes that feedback on a key information source such as the CDC website is in keeping with the goals of the Data Quality Act, namely that information disseminated by the government be of clear, accessible, and informative. The Center strongly supports such surveys as another option to assist agencies in improving their information resources.
Click to review the CDC Federal Register notice (67 F.R. 36607, May 24, 2002)
Click to submit a comment
CRE Regulatory Oversight Program
CRE periodically evaluates agencies' progress in complying with the various "Good Government" laws, including the Data Quality Act, and CRE also encourages interested parties to actively review the agencies' rulemaking activities. To further these ends, the Center has posted all available agency semi-annual agendas from the latest Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, as issued in the Federal Register. CRE readers who have comments on a particular regulation are urged to make their views and concerns known to the Center so that these may be incorporated in our review process.
Click to to review agencies' semi-annual agendas from the latest Unified Agenda
Click to submit a comment
Information Quality Guidelines: EPA Ban on Third Party Clinical Human
Test Data Violates Data Quality Act
CRE has informed EPA that the agency's ban on third party clinical human test data, pending National Academy of Sciences (NAS) review, violates the Data Quality Act. In its letter to EPA, the Center points out that these data are among the best available information regarding any substance's risk to human health, and the Act requires the agency to consider and use the best available data on health risks. Therefore, EPA's categorical refusal to consider these data is a clear violation of the Act and OMB's implementing Data Quality guidelines. CRE urges EPA to change its position now. CRE is including this letter as part of its comments on EPA's proposed Data Quality guidelines.
Click to read CRE's letter to EPA
Click to read Exhibits to the CRE letter
CRE Regulatory Services
Click to submit a comment
FDA Announces Availability of Study Assessing concerns on Human Reproductive and Developmental Toxicities
A new draft guidance for reviewers is now available which describes a process for estimating human development and reproductive risks due to drug exposure when definitive human data are unavailable. The draft guidance, which was made available by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is entitled "Integration of Study Results to Assess Concerns About Human Reproductive and Developmental Toxicities." According to the FDA the integration process "is intended to estimate the likelihood a drug will increase the risk of adverse human development or reproductive effects."
Click to view full notice in Federal Register
Click to submit a comment
CRE Reader Responds to Article on Military Regulation of Field Commanders
In a recent story in its Emerging Regulatory Issues section, CRE reported on a November 12, 2001 Legal Times article that found that one of America's first lines of defense is its deployment of attorneys from the Army's Judge Advocate General (JAG). JAG officers literally sit side-by-side with field commanders, drafting rules of engagement and participating in targeting decisions. One of CRE's readers, a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel now affiliated with the George Mason University School of Law, wrote to CRE to express the view that expedient legal analysis regarding rules of engagement is critical to modern military planning/action, particularly as the U.S. faces threats from non-traditional sources, as in Afghanistan.
Click to review Guest Column submission
Submit a comment to CRE
EPA to Transfer Pesticide Related Information to George Washington University Writing Center
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced that pesticide related information submitted to EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) will be transferred to The George Washington University, Writing Center. This move is being made in part, because The George Washington University Writing Center has been awarded a contract to perform work for OPP, and access to this information is necessary to enable the Center to fulfill the obligations of the contract. It should be noted that information that may have been claimed as Confidential Business Information (CBI) by the submitter will be included in the information to be transferred.
Click to read the notice in Federal Register
Comment on Item
FCC Switches to ANSI for Telecom Standards
The Federal Communications Commission issued a decision eliminating government
regulations for developing technical standards and certification procedures for
Customer Premises Equipment, including telephones, modems and fax machines.
Instead of government regulations, the FCC will rely on voluntary consensus
standards developed by ANSI-accredited Standards Development Organizations
(SDOs). The FCC Report and Order, part of its second biennial review of
regulations, eliminated 125 pages of regulations and privatized: 1) the
establishment of technical criteria for Customer Premises Equipment; and 2)
requirements for CPE certification. According to the FCC, the decision to
switch from government regulation to voluntary consensus standards will
save manufacturers, "millions of dollars a year" and will "bring innovative
equipment to the marketplace faster, thereby increasing the choices available
to consumers...with a minimal federal role."
Click to read the FCC press release
Click to read the FCC's Biennial Regulatory Review report and Order
Click to read the ANSI press release
Comment on Item
EPA Responds to CRE Concerns About the Accuracy of Information Related to Greenhouse Gas Releases
The Acting Assistant Administrator in EPA's Office of Environmental Information has responded to CRE concerns related to the agency's April 6, 2001 Federal Register notice to solicit applications from state agencies for grant funds to address greenhouse gas releases. CRE appreciates the agency's acknowledgment of these important Data Quality issues related to climate change and urges the agency to keep the public informed of uncertainties in the data, thereby promoting sound science and transparency in EPA operations.
Read EPA's August 3, 2001 response to CRE (191 KB)
Read CRE's June 28, 2001 letter to EPA (144 KB)
Read the Federal Register notice
Comment on Item
OSHA Withdraws Indoor Air Quality Proposal
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has withdrawn its Indoor Air Quality proposal and terminated the rulemaking proceeding related to it. In its Federal Register notice, OSHA writes that the reason for the withdrawal of the proposal and termination of the rulemaking proceeding was because, "In the years since the proposal was issued, a great many state and local governments and private employers have taken action to curtail smoking in public areas and in workplaces."
OSHA believes that withdrawal of this proposal will also allow it to devote more of its resources to other projects including a number of important occupational safety and health standards.
Read the full notice in the Federal Register
Comment on Item
View past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items
Will EPA Take Actions Which Send A Strong Signal To Corporate America Not To Spend The Funds Needed To Reduce Pesticide Usage?
A major U.S. corporation has spent considerable funds to find a more environmentally-friendly substitute for the pesticide Metolachlor. This alternative, S-Metolachlor, will reduce by 35% the amount of pesticide used on major food crops, compared to the original product. Through the 2000 use season alone, replacement of old Metolachlor with S-Metolachlor reduced pesticide loading to the environment by over 40 million pounds. Surprisingly, EPA has been reluctant to cancel the Metolachlor registration, despite a request to do so by the registrant. In addition, EPA is currently considering new petitions for registration of the original pesticide product. CRE believes that these regulatory actions by EPA send a very negative message to corporate America.
Click to read more on this issue
Comment on Item
Perchlorate Risk Assessment Poses Human Volunteer Study
Dilemma for EPA And Other Agencies - CRE Requests Comments
EPA is nearing completion of a revised risk assessment
for perchlorate, a widespread and controversial drinking
water contaminant, and has announced a March 2002 peer
review workshop. The assessment will likely be used for
drinking water regulations or advisories and Superfund
cleanup decisions. New studies to be examined for use in
the risk assessment include recent human volunteer studies.
EPA, DOD, HHS and other Federal agencies have been involved
in the design and support of several of the human studies,
calling into question the motivation and reasonableness of
EPA's recent interim ban on the use of such studies in its
regulatory decisions and its request for recommendations from
the National Academy of Sciences. CRE is providing a new
background paper on the subject (below) to supplement its
earlier briefing paper, and readers are invited to comment
on the subject. CRE will compile the comments and submit them to EPA.
Read the new CRE perchlorate backgrounder
Read the Federal Register notice for peer review workshop [67 Fed.Reg. 75-76, Jan. 2, 2002]
Read EPA's Dec. 14, 2001 announcement of ban
Read CRE June 2000 briefing paper
Comment on Item
View past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items
CRE Urges Congress to Allow NHTSA to Address Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards Through APA Rulemaking
Whether to increase the CAFE standards for passenger cars and light trucks is a key part of the current energy policy debate in Congress. Setting CAFE standards requires careful consideration of numerous complex issues, including statutory criteria that inherently involve policy, technical, and economic "trade-offs". CRE strongly believes that the best process for considering any change in the CAFE standards is by an APA rulemaking by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration pursuant to the existing statute, not by Congressional legislative action. This CRE White Paper discusses the issues and the "pros" and "cons" of the process-related options.
Click to read the CRE White Paper
Comment on Item
View past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items
The Regulation Of US Military Field Commanders In Afghanistan
The Legal Times on November 12, 2001 reports that one of America's first
lines of defense is its deployment of attorneys from the Army's JAG. (Judge
Advocate General). The article goes on to point out that modern judge advocates
literally sit side-by-side with field commanders, drafting rules of engagement
and participating in targeting decisions. Really?
Click to submit
EPA Produces Key Documents
CRE has obtained, through litigation initiated by CRE Board Member Jim Tozzi
and others, electronic versions of two voluminous documents which EPA issued
during revision of the agency's rules for reporting releases of persistent
bioaccumulative toxic chemicals. The two documents, EPA's response to public
comments on the proposed revisions, and the agency's economic analysis of
the effects of the new rule, offer a useful compendium of the agency's positions
on current issues in TRI reporting, including the use of TEQ methodology.
The documents are keyword searchable.
EPA's Response to Public Comments (PDF 1.6MB)
EPA's Economic Analysis (PDF 1.2MB)
about TEQ reporting
about related litigation, including key briefs
on Item
EPA Requests
Information on Indoor Air Quality Practices in Schools
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a new information
request that seeks to gain information regarding the number of public
and private schools that have implemented sound indoor air quality (IAQ)
management practices. The information request, entitled "Indoor Air
Quality Practices in Schools Survey," seeks to collect data that are
essential for measuring the effectiveness of EPA's outreach efforts
against the Agency's established GPRA goal. EPA hopes to achieve the
implementation of sound IAQ practices in 15 percent (16,650) of the
nation's public and private schools by 2005.
to read full notice in Federal Register
Click to submit comment
FTC Determines Attorneys to be Subject to Notice Requirements of Gramm-Leach-Bliley
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has determined that law firms must
comply with the notice provisions included in the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley
financial modernization legislation. According to the FTC, attorneys may
provide "financial services" under the Act, thereby triggering the notice
provisions related to the privacy of consumer financial information. The
American Bar Association (ABA) and other legal groups have reacted strongly
against this interpretation which they deem to be at odds with congressional
intent and which may have potentially serious negative impacts upon attorney-client
to read the ABA's Letter to the Chairman of the FTC.
to read the Boston Bar Association's letter to the Chairman of the FTC.
on Item
past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items
Regulatory News
Group urges FDA to put stiffer warnings on certain cholesterol-lowering
pills ... two senators block the confirmation of a key EPA nominee ...
and the Transportation Department draws up a new requirement for the
airline industry.
to read a summary of the latest regulatory news.
Click to submit comment
Agencies Clear Way
For Trading Securities Future Products
A last minute burst of regulatory activity by the SEC and the CFTC opens
the door for trading of securities futures products. Pressure by key Congressman
motivates agencies to meet target date; however the two commissions have
a narrow window of time to resolve a number of difficult problems before
the more important second phase may begin. Retail trading of securities
futures products is slated to commence as early as December 21. If the two
agencies can reach agreement in a timely manner, marketers are expected
to roll out their new products early next year.
to read more.
Click to submit comment
Court Finds that
EPA's Conduct in Metolachlor Case is Inexplicable
On August 27, 2001, a federal court in Memphis dismissed all of the claims
in a case filed by Cedar Chemical, a metolachlor "Me-Too" registration
applicant Cedar had sued EPA and the original metolachlor registrant Syngenta.
The court dismissed Cedar's claims against EPA even though EPA itself
did not file any motion to dismiss. The court's opinion raises serious
questions about EPA's conduct of this litigation. In the court's own words:
Inexplicably, the
EPA did not move to dismiss the Cedar complaint....The court expected
that EPA would file such a motion at this time, based on statements of
its counsel at the August 6, 2001 hearing in these cases.
CRE has been following
the controversy over the metolachlor because it raises the issue of whether
EPA is serious about its pesticide Reduced Risk Initiative. Under its own
Reduced Risk Initiative the EPA required Syngenta to eliminate use of metolachlor
so benefits of the new "reduced risk product" would be realized. Granting
the metolachlor "Me-Too" applications would gravely, perhaps mortally, injure
this important program which encourages companies to voluntarily introduce
more environmentally friendly pesticide products. Like the court, CRE finds
EPA's conduct in the Cedar case to be inexplicable. The Agency has some
explaining to do.
for Court's Opinion
Click to submit comment
EPA Solicits Comment
Regarding Preparation of Third U.S. Climate Action Report
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently seeking comments
from the general public regarding issues related to the third U.S. Climate
Action Report (CAR) which the U.S. is to submit to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) no later than November 30, 2001.
to view notice in Federal Register
on Item
past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items
CRE Responds
to ANSI Invitation to Recommend Process Changes
ANSI invited CRE to propose changes in the process by which Standards
Development Organizations (SDOs) produce consensus standards. The ANSI
letter came in response to detailed comments by CRE recommending that
SDOs incorporate the policies and procedures found in the federal "good
government" laws when developing standards intended for regulatory application.
It is CRE's view that SDO use of the good government laws when developing
standards intended for regulator use will: 1) improve the quality and
utility of the standards; and 2) make it easier for regulatory agencies
to adopt the consensus standards. CRE's recommendations to ANSI will
be considered by the Executive Standards Council (ExSC) at their next
regularly scheduled meeting.
the ANSI letter to CRE
Read the CRE letter to
on Item
ANSI Responds
to CRE "Good Government" Recommendations
CRE, in response to an invitation from ANSI, recommended changes in
the process by which Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) produce
consensus standards intended for regulatory application. CRE recommended
to ANSI's Executive Standards Council (ExSC) that SDOs developing standards
intended for regulatory use incorporate the policies and procedures
found in the federal "good government" laws. After consideration, the
ExSc declined to adopt CRE's recommendations.
the ANSI ExSC Response
Comment on
How Many DC
Lobbyists Would Survive in Italy?
The New York Times reports that Italy's highest Court of Appeal has
opined that influence-peddling is not a crime—the only punishable
offense is exaggerating one's power to influence. More specifically,
Italian law punishes the false boast of claiming the ability to exert
influence, not the act of influencing.
Journal: Official Favors Make Italy Go Round," New York Times,
April 20, 2001
on Item
Banning Soft Drinks In Schools Will Not Solve The Childhood Obesity Problem
Read more
EPA Policy Office
Gets More Control Over Rule Making Process
An April 10th memorandum from Administrator Whitman announces very significant
changes in the EPA's rule making process:
A task force chaired by Tom Gibson--Associate Administrator of Policy,
Economics and Innovation (OPEI)-will conduct a 45-day review of EPA's
rule making process to strengthen the role of science, economics and policy
OPEI will now coordinate the internal process for preparing EPA rules
for OMB review; and
OPEI will be EPA's liaison with OMB on all matters dealing with regulatory
policy. These changes add up to a much greater OPEI role in EPA's rule
making process. The CRE website will closely follow this development and
will keep the public informed.
to read the full text of the Whitman memo
on Item
CRE Report Card
Requests FTC Provide Methodology for Analyzing Pharmaceutical Data
CRE prepared a Report Card on a Federal Trade Commission proposal to
collect extensive information from brand name and generic drug manufacturers
concerning agreements developed pursuant to the Hatch-Waxman Act. The
information is intended to help the FTC evaluate whether any manufacturers
have entered into anticompetitive agreements to delay market entry of
generic drugs. A key conclusion of CRE's analysis is that the Commission
should make available for public comment their intended methodology
for analyzing the data.
CRE's transmittal letter to the FTC
CRE's Report Card on the FTC's Proposed Collection of Information Regarding
the Hatch-Waxman Act
on Item
EPA Requests
Information on Indoor Air Quality Practices in Schools
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a new information
request that seeks to gain information regarding the number of public
and private schools that have implemented sound indoor air quality (IAQ)
management practices. The information request, entitled "Indoor Air
Quality Practices in Schools Survey," seeks to collect data that are
essential for measuring the effectiveness of EPA's outreach efforts
against the Agency's established GPRA goal. EPA hopes to achieve the
implementation of sound IAQ practices in 15 percent (16,650) of the
nation's public and private schools by 2005.
to view full notice in Federal Register
on Item
Administration To Unveil New Ergo Policy In September
CRE Web site reporter Don Fulsom reports on the Bush administration's
efforts to formulate a new ergonomics policy. This is the second in
a series of articles on the politically volatile issue of ergonomics
in the workplace.
the CRE Guest Column Article
Comment on item
Clinton Environmental
Review Executive Order Being Applied To Trade Agreements
Clinton Executive Order 13141 requires environmental review of some trade
agreements. The United States Trade Representative and the Center for Environmental
Quality have promulgated guidelines implementing the Executive Order. 65
FR 79442. The USTR is now applying the Executive Order and the guidelines
to specific trade agreements. Specifically, the USTR is soliciting public
comment on environmental issues raised by the multilateral trade negotiations
on agriculture and services in the World Trade Organization. The comment
period ends July 27, 2001. 66 FR 20846.
CRE believes that Executive Order 13141 provides an important regulatory
precedent. CRE is now looking at ways to expand the Executive Order to include
analysis required in Good Government laws such as the new Data Quality Act,
the Paperwork Reduction Act, and the Regulatory Flexibility Act. CRE believes
that the important concerns underlying the Good Government laws apply with
equal force to trade agreements.
a more detailed discussion of trade-agreement environmental review under
the Clinton Executive Order and the USTR Guidelines.
the USTR notice seeking comment on application of the Order and guidelines
to the WTO agreement.
Executive Order 13141.
the USTR Guidelines implementing the Executive Order.
on Item
past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items
Unleashing Innovation:
The Right Approach to Global Climate Change
The Business Roundtable has completed a report which is based on a recently
completed survey of BRT member companies and identifies 38 specific
opportunities to improve regulatory, tax, and trade policies to encourage
elaborate innovation and implementation of new energy-conserving technologies.
Click to submit comment
EPA to Emphasize
Regulatory Effectiveness
Inside EPA, in its May 18th edition, quotes EPA officials
as saying that one of its priorities is to develop a system to assess the
potential effectiveness of a rule. CRE applauds EPA for this effort. CRE,
from its inception, has thought the effectiveness of rules, not their abolition,
should be the thrust of regulatory agency programs. However, the term effectiveness
has different meanings to different individuals. It is for this reason that
CRE has adopted the totality of the requirements set forth in the "Good
Government Laws" to define effectiveness. More precisely, a strict adherence
to the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Data Quality Act, the Regulatory Flexibility
Act, the Unfunded Mandates Act, and Executive Order 12866 "Regulatory Planning
and Review," will provide an operating definition of the term effectiveness.
on Item
Congress Should
Fund The Administrative Conference Of The United States
The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) has not been
funded since fiscal year 1995. No other entity performs the ACUS' invaluable,
bipartisan, statutorily mandated function of systematically reviewing
and promoting changes in the federal government's administrative process.
The American Bar Association recently recommended that the President
"take steps to re-establish a government entity" to perform this function.
This recommendation could easily be implemented by Congress's appropriating
funds for the ACUS.
Everyone who wants to improve the administrative process should join
CRE in asking Congress to fund the ACUS. This is a CRE priority issue.
on Item
Bush Administration
Delays And Reviews New DHHS Rules
On March 19, 2001, Tommy Thompson, the new Secretary of the Department
of Health and Human Services, delayed for sixty days the effective dates
of two DHHS rules. Both rules were published during the last days of
the Clinton Administration. The purpose of the delay is to allow the
Bush Administration to review the rules in accordance with the so-called
Card memorandum, which was issued on Inauguration Day. The Federal
Register notice of the action delaying the rules is at 66
FR 15352.
The first rule concerns clinical research on pregnant women and human
fetuses. This rule was published in the Federal Register on January
17, 2001. The Federal Register notice of the rule explained that
it "enhances the opportunity for participation of pregnant women in
research by promoting a policy of presumed inclusion, by permitting
the pregnant woman to be the sole decision maker with regard to her
participation in research, and by exempting from the regulations six
categories of research." 66
FR 3878.
The second rule concerns the Anesthesia Services Condition of Participation
for Hospitals, the Surgical Services Condition of Participation for
Critical Access Hospitals, and the Ambulatory Surgical Center Conditions
of Coverage-Surgical Services, under the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
The rule changes the physician supervision requirements for certified
registered nurse anesthetists furnishing anesthesia services in hospitals,
CAHs, and ASCs. This rule was published in the Federal Register
on January 18, 2001, 66
FR 4674.
on Item
Education Department
Announces Availability of Test Measurement Resource Guide
The Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has announced the
availability of a final document entitled, "The Use of Tests as Part
of High-Stakes Decision-Making for Students: A Resource Guide for Educators
and Policymakers." According to the Federal Register notice, the resource
guide is designed "to provide educators and policymakers with an informative
and practical tool that will assist in their development and implementation
of policies that involve the use of tests in making high-stakes decisions
for students." The notice also mentions that the guide provides information
about relevant Federal non-discrimination standards and professionally
recognized test measurement principles, as well as a collection of resources
related to the non-discrimination and test measurement principles discussed
in the guide.
to view full notice in the Federal Register, including information
on how to obtain a copy of the document.
on Item
CRE Exploratory
Committee: Update
As a result of the CRE white paper, Market Driven Consortia, Implications
forthe FCC's Cable Access Proceeding, CRE established an Exploratory
Committee to assess process options for developing open cable platform
standards. Specifically, the Exploratory Committee will develop recommendations
as to whether standars for broadband internet-cable connections should
be established through a standards development organization (SDO) or
through a market-driven consortia (MDC).
here to read more.
on Item
EPA Wants Public Comment
On Managing Diazinon Risk
EPA is soliciting public comment on how to manage the risk from the organophosphate
pesticide diazinon. The agency requests comment on this issue by April 2,
2001. This request for public comment is part of a joint initiative by EPA
and the Department of Agriculture to increase transparency in the tolerance
reassessment process for organophosphate process. Copies of the revised
risk assessment and related documents for diazinon can be accessed at
to full notice in Federal Register.
to submit comment
Federal Focus, Inc.
Issues Draft Executive Order on Agricultural Biotechnology
Federal Focus, Inc., a nonprofit science and research foundation located
in Washington D.C., recently issued a draft Executive Order on regulation
of agricultural biotechnology products. The draft Executive Order includes
specific recommendations for improving transparency in federal agency decision
making and bolstering public confidence in the regulatory process for biotechnology.
Public concerns in this area must be taken seriously, but inquiry into the
health and environmental effects of this new technology must be based firmly
upon science; otherwise the significant potential benefits of biotechnology
may be lost needlessly. CRE believes that the proposed Executive Order is
both insightful and timely, particularly as the Administration continues
its reassessment of agri-biotech regulation.
to view the Federal Focus draft Executive Order on agricultural biotechnology.
to submit comment
Comment Period Extended
to Respond to Issue of Adverse Environmental Effects of Pollutants Associated
with the Formation of Acid Rain Including Fine Particulate Matter
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has extended the period for submission
of public comments regarding the issue of adverse environmental effects
associated with pollutants related to the formation of acid rain, including
fine particulate matter. Two events have prompted this action. First, EPA
received a petition from seven States urging EPA to promulgate revised secondary
national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for pollutants associated
with acid rain. Second, the Department of the Interior (DOI) requested that
EPA also address many of these same adverse environmental effects associated
with these same types of air pollutants.
to full notice in Federal Register
Click to submit comment
NIH and Warren Grant
Magnuson Clinical Center Seek Comments on Satisfaction Surveys Related to
Health Care Services
NIH and the Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center recently issued a public
comment request in the Federal Register related to satisfaction surveys
for customers and other partners (66 Fed. Reg. 10023, Feb. 13,
2001). The surveys will question are variety of interested parties, including
patients, family members, visitors, intramural collaborators, vendors, regulators,
and small businesses, and will may be administered via written forms, faxed
documents, electronic submissions, or telephone inquiries. The goal of the
information collection is to determine satisfaction with Clinical Center
services, to assist in the design of new services or modification of existing
services, and to evaluate implemented changes. Comments may be submitted
to OMB and the agencies through March 15, 2001.
to full notice in Federal Register
Click to submit comment
EPA Reschedules Public
Information and Confidentiality Meeting
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has rescheduled its public meeting
on advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) and potential revision
of the confidential business information (CBI) regulations for March 7,
2001. The meeting was changed from its original date of January 18, 2001
due to requests from the public to allow additional time for stakeholder
participation and to avoid potential travel difficulties in the Washington,
D.C. area because of events revolving around the Presidential Inaugural
during the week of January 20, 2001. The meeting will take place from 9
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the EPA auditorium, 401 M Street, SW., Washington,
to view full notice in Federal Register
Click to submit comment
EPA Solicits Public
Comment on Possible Deficiencies in Operating Permits Program
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a 90-day comment
period for members of the general public to submit comments on deficiencies
that they perceive exist in State and local agency operating permits programs
required by title V of the Clean Air Act. The deficiencies that the public
claims exist can be of two types: deficiencies in the substance of the approved
program or deficiencies in how a permitting authority is implementing its
program. EPA will review the comments and determine whether it agrees or
disagrees with the purported deficiencies. It will then publish notices
of those findings. In cases where EPA determines there is a deficiency,
it will publish a notice of deficiency and will establish a time frame for
the authority to correct the deficiency. Comments identifying possible deficiencies
must be received by March 12, 2001.
to view complete notice in Federal Register
Comment on Item
OMB Seeks to Clarify
Implementation of FAIR Act
As established by Congress, the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act
of 1998 (the "FAIR Act") allows for a challenge-and-appeal process regarding
the list that agencies must submit annually to The Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) of their activities that "are not inherently governmental
functions" and that are performed by Federal employees. A recent General
Accounting Office (GAO) report reveals, however, that confusion exists among
those submitting challenges and appeals regarding the scope of the challenge-and-appeal
process. In an effort to eliminate this confusion, OMB is proposing a revision
of its guidance on the implementation of the FAIR Act.
to read more
View past CRE Regulatory Action of
the Week items
U.S. Chamber Supports
CRE Petitions to OMB to Control Federal Agency Abuse of "Information Demand"
CRE is concerned that agencies, including EPA, the Labor Department, and
others may be improperly invoking the Paperwork Reduction Act's statutory
"enforcement exemption" to avoid prior OMB review and approval of agency
information demands. CRE petitioned OMB in October 2000 to: (1) review recent
information demand letters issued by EPA; and (2) conduct a rulemaking to
establish what evidence of a violation an agency must have before the agency
properly may invoke the PRA "enforcement exemption". On December 5, 2000,
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wrote to OMB in support of both CRE petitions.
to view the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's letter to OMB.
Click to view
the CRE petitions.
Click to view
the MLS legal memorandum.
CDC Solicits Comment
on Proposed Data Collection for the National Exposure Registry
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced an opportunity
for public comment concerning a data collection project that will focus
on expanding the National Exposure Registry (NER). As defined in the Federal
Register notice, the NER is "a program that collects, maintains, and analyzes
information obtained from participants (called registrants) whose exposure
to selected toxic substances at specific geographic areas in the United
States was documented." Through this collection, the CDC seeks to update
five of its existing sub-registries and to establish a new asbestos sub-registry.
Participants in the data collection will be interviewed initially with a
baseline questionnaire. Then an identical follow up telephone questionnaire
will be administered every three years until the criteria for terminating
a specific sub-registry is met. Written comments concerning this information
request should be received by February 8, 2001.
to view full notice in Federal Register including contact information
Click to submit comment
CRE Announces Initiative
for Applying Data Quality Law to the Financial Sector
CRE considers the Data Quality statute recently enacted by Congress to be
a "Good Government" law which should be given wide applicability. While
government risk assessment would be subject to the Data Quality law, environmentalists
have historically criticized risk assessment legislation for targeting environmental
areas. There has been some justification for such criticisms in the past,
so for that reason, CRE is emphasizing initial applicability of the Data
Quality law to the Financial Sector. As a prototype case, CRE is focusing
its Data Quality Initiative on the risk assessment being conducted by the
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) of the systemic risk
posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the nation's financial system and
to U.S. housing finance markets. CRE has already submitted comments to OFHEO
and looks forward to further cooperative efforts. CRE anticipates broadening
the Data Quality Initiative to other agencies in the near future.
here to read more about the CRE Data Quality Initiative for the Financial
Sector, its application to the OFHEO systemic risk assessment, and CRE's
comments to OFHEO.
Comment on Item
EPA Announces Meeting on Community Right-to-Know Toxic Chemical Release
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced that it will hold
an open stakeholder meeting on January 29, 2001 to solicit input on the
types of information that EPA can provide to aid users better understand
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data that is reported under Section 313 of
the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). One goal
in particular of the meeting is to identify ways that EPA can help users
of the data understand the different factors to consider when using the
TRI data. The meeting will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington Information Center, Conference
Room 3 North, 401 M St., SW., Washington, D.C.
to view full notice in Federal Register
Click to submit a comment
EPA Seeks Comments
on Information Request Regarding Standards for Reformulated and Conventional
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced that it is requesting
public comments on an information collection request regarding standards
for reformulated and conventional gasoline. This request, which affects
refiners, oxygenate blenders, importers of gasoline, and parties in the
gasoline distribution network, is required under regulations established
in the Clean Air Act and serves as a way to demonstrate compliance and aid
in enforcement. Comments regarding this request must be submitted on or
before January 29, 2001.
to view full notice in Federal Register
Click to submit a comment
EPA Dioxin Risk Assessment
Triggers Calls for Banning Polyvinyl Chloride Plastics
As CRE has stated for years, the EPA dioxin risk assessment will have a
major impact on regulatory actions at the federal, state, and local levels.
Since the release of the EPA document in draft form this past spring, a
number of groups -- including the Center for Health, Environment and Justice
-- have begun calling for a wide range of regulatory actions including closing
incinerators, production of chlorine-free paper, and bans on the use of
polyvinyl chloride plastics. CRE believes that such actions are unjustified
due to scientific and legal flaws in the draft risk assessment, and regulators
should bear such concerns in mind prior to implementation of costly, burdensome,
and unsupported dioxin control measures.
Click to sumbit a comment
President Bush Defers Action on New and Pending Agency Regulations
In a memorandum issued January 20, 2001 to Heads and Acting Heads of Executive
Branch Departments and agencies, the President has issued a Regulatory Review
Plan, which will allow the senior official appointed by the Bush Administration
to review and approve new and pending regulatory actions. Under the Regulatory
Review Plan, no new rules shall be sent to the Federal Register until such
review has taken place. Rules already sent to the Federal Register are to
be withdrawn, and regulatory actions already published, but which have not
yet taken effect, shall have their implementation temporarily postponed
for 60 days. There is an exclusion for regulations promulgated pursuant
to statutory or judicial deadlines or for "emergency or other urgent situations
relating to health and safety." The memorandum requests independent agencies
to voluntarily comply with the Regulatory Review Plan as well.
here to review the Regulatory Review Plan Memorandum
Comment on Item
EPA Announces Meeting of NACEPT Standing Committee on Compliance Assistance
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced an open meeting
of the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology
(NACEPT) Standing Committee on Compliance Assistance. The meeting is scheduled
for Wednesday, January 10, 2001 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Thursday,
January 11, 2001 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. The meeting will be held at
the Washington Monarch Hotel, 2401 M St. NW, Washington, D.C. The meeting
will focus primarily on strategic compliance assistance (CA) policy issues,
including integrating CA into the Agency's mission, CA measurement and CA
priority setting.
to view full notice in Federal Register including contact information:
Click to submit comment
NIH Solicits Comment on Proposed Information Request Regarding a Nested
Case-Control Study of Lung Cancer and Diesel Exhaust Among Non-Metal Miners
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is currently seeking comment on
a proposed information request regarding a nested case-control study that
will examine lung cancer in non-metal minors and its association, if any,
with diesel exhaust exposure. According to the Federal Register notice,
the information will be used in a study by the National Cancer Institute
and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health "to examine
risk of mortality from lung cancer for various measures of diesel exhaust
exposure...." Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding
this information request on or before January 11, 2001.
to view full notice in Federal Register including contact information:
Click to submit comment
HHS Announces Meeting of National Bioethics Advisory Commission
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced an open
meeting of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) scheduled
for January 18, 2001 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and January 19, 2001
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Sheraton
Premiere at Tysons Corner, 8661 Leesburg Pike, Tysons Corner/Vienna, VA.
The Commission will discuss its ongoing project on ethical and policy
issues in international research. Opportunities for statements by the
public will be provided on January 18 from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
to view notice in Federal Register including contact information
Click to submit comment
EPA's Science Advisory Board Solicits Nominations for Members and Consultants
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB)
is currently requesting nominations for members and consultants. According
to the Federal Register notice, the SAB is composed of "Non-federal Government
scientists and engineers who are employed on an intermittent basis to
provide independent advice directly to the EPA Administrator on technical
aspects of public health and environmental issues confronting the Agency."
Any interested person or organization is welcome to nominate qualified
persons to serve on the SAB. Nominees must be qualified by education,
training, and experience to evaluate scientific, engineering and/or economic
information on issues referred to and addressed by the Board.
to view full notice in Federal Register including contact information
Click to submit comment
Agriculture Department Announces
Meeting of Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology
The Department of Agriculture
has announced that an open meeting of the Advisory Committee on Agricultural
Biotechnology (ACAB) is scheduled for November 29-30, 2000 in the Empire
Room at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street, NW, Washington, DC
from 8:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. on November 29 and from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30
p.m. on November 30. Topics to be discussed include: (1) The USDA's public
seed breeding program and plant germplasm repositories; (2) impacts of gene
flow from transgenic crops to other plants and current and potential USDA
roles in addressing them; and (3) biotechnology budget priorities for FY
to view notice in Federal Register
Labor Seeks Information
Regarding Disclosure Obligations of Fiduciaries of Employee Benefit Plans
Governed by ERISA
Due to recent events including
certain rulings by the Supreme Court and several federal circuit courts
and recent changes in the laws governing the substantive requirements for
employee benefit plans, some uncertainty has arisen as to how plan fiduciaries
may best conduct their affairs so as to satisfy their fiduciary and disclosure
obligations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
In an effort to clarify this uncertainty the Department of Labor has decided
to request information from the public regarding this issue.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
National Committee on
Vital and Health Statistics to Hold Meeting
The Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) has announced an open meeting of the National Committee
on Vital and Health Statistics. The meeting will be held at the Hubert
H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 705A, Washington,
DC 20201 on November 28, 2000 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on November
29, 2000 from 10:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Committee plans to hear presentations
and hold discussions on several health data policy topics. These topics
include implementation of the administrative simplification provisions
of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),
a briefing on selected HHS data policy initiatives, and an analysis
of State privacy laws. For a complete description of the Committee's
agenda, please see the full notice in the Federal Register by clicking
to view notice in Federal Register
ATSDR Proposes Information
Collection for Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State
The Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has submitted an information collection request
under review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the Hanford
Nuclear Reservation which is located in south central Washington State and
which is on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Priorities
List (NPL).
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry Releases List of Sites for which it Completed Public
Health Assessments from April through June 2000
The Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has announced the nineteen sites for which
it has completed public health assessments during the period from April
1, 2000 through June 30, 2000. The list includes sites that are on or
proposed for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL). The list
also includes sites for which assessments were prepared in response
to public requests. For a complete list of the sites and for information
on obtaining the completed assessments, please click on the link to
the Federal Register notice below.
to view notice in Federal Register
FDA Releases Draft Guidance
on Mammography Quality Standards Act
The Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) has announced the availability of the draft guidance entitled "Compliance
Guidance: The Mammography Quality Standards Act Final Regulations Document
#4." According to the FDA this document is intended to help facilities meet
the Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992's final regulations, which
became effective April 28, 1999. The FDA also states that this draft guidance
is neither final nor in effect at this time. Written comments concerning
this draft guidance must be received by December 12, 2000.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
MBS Report on Regulatory
Mandates in the Medicare Modernization Act of 2000
Multinational Business Services,
Inc. (MBS) prepared a section-by-section review of the Clinton Administration's
proposal to establish a Medicare prescription drug benefit, the "Medicare
Modernization Act of 2000" (MMA). Specifically, MBS was tasked with
identifying the specific number of new Federal regulatory mandates that
would be required to implement the MMA, as well as who would be responsible
for complying with (and paying for implementation of) those requirements.
MBS's 64-page report identifies 412 new regulatory requirements in the
MMA, 182 of which would have to occur in order to implement the prescription
drug benefit. Taxpayer dollars would be required to implement these
182 new requirements, as well as to fund the administrative and operational
expenses of the benefit management entities that would be established
under the proposal.
Executive Summary
Jim Tozzi Statement
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of Contents (pdf)
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OMB Seeks Comment on Standards
for Defining Metropolitan Areas
OMB recently issued a Federal
Register notice seeking public comment on the final report and recommendations
of the Metropolitan Area Standards Review Committee concerning changes
to the standards for defining metropolitan areas (65 Fed. Reg.
51060, August 22, 2000). The purpose of the standards is to provide
nationally consistent definitions for collecting, tabulating, and publishing
federal statistics for a set of geographic areas. While the new definitions
will not be used as part of Census 2000, they may be used in future
censuses and other important statistical activities of the federal government.
As these activities have the potential to have a serious impact upon
the public, CRE encourages interested parties to submit their comments
to OMB.
to read more.
OMB Publishes Changes to
OMB Circular A-76 Revised Supplemental Handbook
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) has published three technical changes to the OMB Circular A-76 Revised
Supplemental Handbook. The changes are: 1) to expand the Federal Activities
Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act's inventory challenge and agency response periods
from calendar days to working days; 2) to delete Part 1, Chapter 3, paragraph
K.1.e., of the Revised Supplemental Handbook to avoid any conflict with
the provision at Part 1, Chapter 3, paragraph K.7 that there is a single
cost comparison appeal period; and 3) to strengthen OMB's longstanding policy
of limiting the participation of directly affected individuals on an A-76
cost comparison Source Selection Team.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
Corps of Engineers and
EPA Clarify that Mechanized Excavation Activities are Likely to Result
in Discharge of Dredged Material Subject to Regulation
According to the Federal Register
notice, the proposed rule by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would "establish a rebuttable
presumption that mechanized landclearing, ditching, channelization,
in-stream mining, or other mechanized excavation activity in waters
of the United States result in more than incidental fallback, and thus
involve a regulable discharge of dredged material".
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
President's Information
Technology Advisory Committee Announces Meeting
The President's Information
Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) has announced that it will hold
open session meetings from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on September 19, 2000
and from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on September 20, 2000 at the National
Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230. The
Agenda for the meeting on the 19th, which will be held in room 375,
will include sessions entitled: (1) Administration's Agenda for International
IT Current Overview (G-8 Discussion); (2) Internet for Economic Development
Initiative; and (3) International IT Efforts and the NGO Community.
According to PITAC's notice in the Federal Register, the meeting on
the 20th, which will be held in room 1235, will include, "(1) Updates
and reports from the PITAC's panels on learning, digital libraries,
healthcare; the digital divide; and international issues; (2) a discussion
on 21st century technologies; (3) a discussion on IT and the Humanities;
and (4) a discussion of PITAC next steps and future studies". The discussion
on IT and the Humanities will be hosted by William Ferris, Chairman
of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Seating for the meetings
is limited, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
to read full notice in Federal Register.
Justice Announces Proposed
Consent Decree with American Chemical Services, Inc., et al.
The Justice Department has announced
the lodging of a proposed consent decree in United States v. American Chemical
Service, Inc., et al., No. 2:00CV438 (N. D. Indiana), and State of Indiana
v. American Chemical Service, Inc., et al., No. 2:00CV437 (N. D. Indiana),
on July 14, 2000 with the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Indiana. The proposed consent decree relates to the implementation
of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) selected remedial action
for the American Chemical Service Superfund Site, Griffith, Lake County,
Indiana. Under the proposed consent decree the United States' and the State
of Indiana's civil claims against the 39 defendants named in this action
(including the two owners/operators) would be resolved.
to read full notice in Federal Register, including details of proposed
HCFA Proposes New System
of Records
The Health Care Financing, Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration (HCFA) has proposed the
establishment of a new system of records to help in its study of the effectiveness
of lung volume reduction surgery. According to HCFA the primary purpose
of the proposed system of records�called "National Emphysema Treatment Trial
(NETT) System, HHS/HCFA/CHPP, 09�70�0531"�will be "to maintain data that
will allow HCFA to collect and provide secure data on participants in the
randomized phase of the study, pay claims, and to monitor and evaluate the
clinical trial."
to read full notice in Federal Register.
FDA Announces Withdrawal
of Food Additive Petition
The Food And Drug Administration
(FDA) has announced that Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing has withdrawn
its petition that proposed to amend the food additive regulations to provide
for the safe use of a perfluoroalkyl acrylate copolymer as a component of
paper and paperboard in contact with nonalcoholic foods at high temperatures,
including the use in microwave heat susceptor packaging. The withdrawal
of the petition is without prejudice to a future filing.
to view notice in Federal Register.
Agriculture Increases Desirable
Carryout of Raisins Produced from California Grapes
In a final ruling the Agricultural
Marketing Service, USDA, has increased the desirable carryout used to compute
the yearly trade demand for raisins covered under the Federal marketing
order for California raisins. According to the Department of Agriculture,
this increase in desirable carryout�a term defined as the amount of raisins
from one season needed during the first part of the next season for market
needs�will ultimately make more raisins available to handlers for immediate
use early in the season when supplies are tight and will allow desirable
carryout to more accurately reflect actual carryout inventory.
to read full notice in Federal Register.
Regulatory Implications
of Mixing Criminal Liability and Product Liability
CRE believes that Congress should
not enact legislation that injects criminal liability into the current legal
liability regime governing automobile safety and product liability. Legislation
pending in the Congress raises very significant legal and policy issues,
both for the automobile industry at which the current legislation is aimed,
and as a problematic precedent that could expand to affect many other U.S.
industry sectors. CRE believes Congress should not rush to judgment, because
this issue needs substantial further public debate.
FDA Amends Food Additive
In a final ruling the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) has amended the food additive regulations to provide
for the safe use of ionizing radiation as as means of reducing Salmonella
in fresh shell eggs. This action comes in response to a petition filed by
Edward S. Josephson of the University of Rhode Island's Food Science and
Nutrition Research Center.
Click to read full notice in Federal Register.
MSHA Protects Miner Safety
with Help from Depts. of Labor and HHS
The main safety concern regarding
mine workers has always been exposure to coal mine dust. The Federal Coal
Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 (Coal Act) established the first comprehensive
dust standard by setting a limit of 2.0 milligrams of respirable coal mine
dust per cubic meter of air (mg/m3). Later, the Coal Act was amended by
the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act) which further
standardized mine worker conditions by requiring that "each operator shall
continuously maintain the average concentration of respirable dust in the
mine atmosphere during each shift to which each miner in the active workings
of such mine is exposed at or below 2.0 milligrams of respirable dust per
cubic meter of air."
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
EPA Proposes to Clean
up the Diesel Engine's Act with New Emission Standards
If implemented as proposed,
the program would bring heavy-duty diesel emissions on par with those
of new vehicles powered by gasoline, but at what cost?
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
SBC Communications Inc.
Opposes Breakup of Bundling by FCC
SBC Communications Inc. filed
comments with the Federal Communications Commission opposing a proposal
to encourage competition in local phone service. The FCC proposed requiring
incumbent phone companies provide competitors with access to individual
elements of the local phone company's network. SBC opposes this proposal
since: 1) it would require them to allow use of their network by competitors
at "reasonable rates"; and 2) the proposal would allow competitors to
pick and choose specific network elements rather than requiring the
competitor to purchase a bundle of services.
here to read excerpts from SBC Communications
EPA Responds to CRE Challenge
of Inconsistency in Cancer Hazard Descriptors.
EPA's Director of Science Coordination and Policy stands behind EPA's revised
cancer guidelines, stating, "It is erroneous to think that all hazard classification
systems and definitions should be the same."
Read EPA Letter
to CRE
OMB Requests Public Comment
on Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form
OMB has recently requested public comment on its proposed renewal without
change of Standard Form LLL (Disclosure of Lobbying Activities). The request
was published in the June 19, 2000 Federal Register (65 Fed. Reg.
38005) and comments are due to the agency by August 18, 2000.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
CRE Receives Comments
on EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Radionuclides
As part of a court agreement,
EPA plans to issue a regulation under the Clean Water Act dealing with
radionuclides by November 21, 2000. Pursuant thereto, EPA published
proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Radionuclides
in the Federal Register on April 21st (65 Fed. Reg. 21575). Because
drinking water standards affect all Americans and have serious public
health implications, they are of considerable importance.
CRE recently received comments from Radiation, Science, and Health (RSH),
an international nonprofit organization of independent experts on radiation
and public policy, which were sent to EPA in response to the call for
comments on the radionuclides rule. This organization raises a number
of scientific objections to EPA's proposed regulation, including use
of outdated data. It also asserts that regulation of low-level sources
of radiation, below naturally-occurring background rates, is unnecessary,
and it points to recent scientific studies which suggest that low doses
of scientific radiation are, in fact, beneficial. CRE is posting the
RSH comments to offer one viewpoints on the EPA rule and to encourage
discussion and debate on this important topic.
Read Item
Rule by FAA Receives No
Comments from Manufacturer Or Public
A notice of a proposed rule
by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to counter a possible unsafe
condition on certain Swedish-made airplanes received no comments from
the aircraft company nor from the public. The rule, which is now final,
applies to certain SAAB 2000 series airplanes which have shown fatigue
cracking in the internal backup struts in the forward part of the nacelle
structure. The rule requires repetitive detailed visual and dye penetrant
inspections of the backup struts in the left and right nacelles to detect
discrepancies, and corrective actions, if necessary. These possible unsafe
conditions were originally brought to the FAA's attention by Luftfartsverket
(LFV), the airworthiness authority of Sweden.
to read Federal Register Notice Item
FTC Endorses Self-Regulation
Proposal from Internet Advertisers
The Federal Trade Commission
endorsed a self-regulation proposal from an organization of Internet
advertisers. The industry proposal would govern the online collection
of information about web surfers.
SSA Official Responds to
CRE Regarding Opportunities for Public Comment
CRE has received a response
from the author of the SSA regulation on "Administrative Procedure for
Imposing Penalties for False or Misleading Statements." (See article immediately
below: "SSA Bypasses Regulatory Procedures in order to Get Tough with
Benefits Cheaters") The response points out that the agency did not intend
to diminish opportunity for public comment through issuance of an interim
final rule, and that comments to the agency are welcome through September
8, 2000. SSA reiterates that all comments received will be addressed when
the final rule is issued. (See related Federal
Register notice for details on submitting comments)
Click to read
response from the Social Security Administration
EPA to Begin Accepting Applications
for Brownfields Pilots
The Environmental Protection Agency
has announced that it is accepting applications for Brownfields Job Training
and Development Demonstration Pilots through October 16, 2000. The goals
of the pilots are twofold: to facilitate cleanup of brownfields sites contaminated
with hazardous substances and to prepare the trainees for future employment
in the environmental field. EPA intends to select ten Pilots by December
Read Item
Wood Products Maker Settles
Charges with Government for $11.2 Million
The Bureau of National Affairs
(BNA) has reported that Willamette Industries of Portland, Oregon, has
agreed to pay $11.2 million to settle allegations of violating Clean Air
Act new source review permitting procedures. In its Daily Environment
Report for July 21, 2000, the BNA reported that the agreement also requires
the company to install pollution control devices at 13 of its facilities
which the government estimated to cost an additional $74 million (the
company, however, estimates the cost to be $28 million) as well as to
pay $8 million to fund supplemental environmental projects. The report
also mentions that Willamette is the fourth wood products industry company
to settle violations since the government initiated its sector-based investigation
and reached its first settlement in.
Comment on
NHTSA Takes Lead in Addressing
Driver Distraction
The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration will be holding two public events that focus on the potential
safety implications associated with driver distraction while using advanced
in-vehicle technologies. The first event is an international Internet Forum
which is expected to begin on July 5, 2000 and end August 11, 2000. According
to the NHTSA's description, "the Forum will provide an opportunity for technical
experts as well as the general public to download technical papers, relate
their experiences regarding the use of in-vehicle devices and their impact
on safety in general and driving performance in particular, and participate
in exchange of views on related technical issues."
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
SSA Bypasses Regulatory
Procedures in Order to Get Tough with Benefits Cheaters
The Social Security Administration
(SSA) has bypassed the notice and public comment procedures specified
in the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) in issuing an interim final
ruling regarding administrative procedures for imposing penalties on
people for false or misleading statements regarding monthly social security
benefits. The SSA justifies its action by arguing that had it followed
the notice and public comment procedures the issuance of final rules
would have been delayed until well past the statutory effective date
and the regulatory issuance date specified by Congress.
As a rule, the CRE does not agree with the practice of bypassing regulatory
procedures. However, in this case, the CRE believes the SSA is justified
in doing so, given the circumstances and in light of the nature of the
final rule.
to read notice in the Federal Register
FCC Chairman
Announces Plans for Cable TV-Internet Access Proceeding
The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness is creating an exploratory
committee to determine whether an ANSI Accredited Standards
Committee (ASC) or an MDC should be established for the purpose
of developing standards for interconnecting cable televisions
systems with the internet and other networks. Stakeholders interested
in participating in the exploratory committee should contact
the CRE.
- Read
- Read
CRE Letter to FCC Chairman Kennard on Cable
- Read CRE White Paper:
Market Driven Consortia, Implications for the FCC's Cable
Access Proceeding
EPA Responds to CRE Challenge
of Inconsistency in Cancer HazardDescriptors
EPA's Director of Science Coordination
and Policy stands behind EPA's revised cancerguidelines, stating, "It
is erroneous to think that all hazard classification systems anddefinitions
should be the same."
Read EPA Letter
to CRE
Bell Atlantic Opposes
Breakup of Bundling by FCC
The Bell Atlantic telephone
companies, better known simply as "Bell Atlantic", have submitted comments
to the Federal Communications Commission opposing their providing of unbundled
network elements to competitors. The proposal by the FCC, which is part
of the implementation of the Local Competition Provision of the Telecommunications
Act of 1996, seeks to promote competition among telecommunications carriers
by requiring existing companies such as Bell Atlantic to provide access
to individual elements of their network to any requesting carrier. Bell
Atlantic opposes this proposal for two main reasons. First, it requires
them to provide to any competitor at reasonable rates technology�also
known as network elements such as switches, transports, and local loops�which
they essentially built. Second, it allows competitors access to these
network elements on an unbundled basis, which eliminates the obligation
of any competitor to buy the whole bundle of network elements when the
competitor only wants to purchase one of the elements.
Click here to
read comments from Bell Atlantic.
Is the EPA setting the
stage for another loss in court?
Recent studies have indicated
that EPA has lost more cases in court than they have won. Is EPA positioning
itself for another loss in court as a result of violating the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA)? FACA is one of the "good government" statutes
that CRE monitors to assess agency compliance. The current EPA review
of a triazine raises precedential issues regarding FACA, consequently
CRE has communicated its concerns to EPA.
Click here to
read CRE Letter to EPA.
Click here to read EPA's
response to CRE.
Click here make a
Associated General Contractors
of America and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Announce Partnering Initiative
The Associated General Contractors
of America (AGC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has recently announced
a joint initiative to promote partnering in the construction industry.
The partnering initiative is a voluntary system for handling construction
problems through cooperation, open communications, and a commitment to
problem solving. Along with arbitration and mediation, it is hoped that
partnering can help prevent litigation in construction disputes and otherwise
benefit the project in question. A joint website has been set up to highlight
case studies of best practices and to provide additional partnering resources.
CRE strongly supports such cooperative efforts which prevent unnecessary
litigation and preserve resources for projects that further the agency\'92s
mission. CRE hopes that the partnering principle can be extended to other
federal agencies to promote cooperative efforts which would forestall
unnecessary regulation and litigation.
Click here
to read more on this issue and to link to the AGC/Corps Partnering Website.
Senate Unanimously Approves
Truth in Regulating Act of 1999
The Senate has recently approved
important regulatory reform legislation designed to help Congress and
the public gain information used as the basis for agency regulatory actions.
The Truth in Regulating Act of 1999 (S. 1198) establishes a 3-year pilot
program to support congressional oversight to ensure that important regulatory
decisions are effective, efficient, and fair. Specifically, the legislation
will allow Committee Chairmen or the Ranking Members to request a General
Accounting Office (GAO) review of the risk assessment or cost-benefit
analysis of a major regulation (i.e. an "economically significant rule"
with an impact of $100 million or more). GAO must submit a report to Congress
on the regulation within 180 days.
CRE applauds this movement for increased congressional oversight of the
regulatory process and the transparency and public accountability benefits
likely to result from passage of S. 1198.
Click here
to view a Senate press release on the Truth in Regulating Act of 1999
(S. 1198).
here to view a summary of S. 1198.
In an effort to raise awareness
of children's online privacy protection, the Federal Trade Commission
is seeking to identify organizations to participate in and co-sponsor
a campaign designed to promote the FTC's implementation of the Children's
Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
FCC Invites Comment on
Information Collection Regarding Creation of Wireless Medical Telemetry
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden, the Federal
Communications Commission is requesting comments from the general public
and other federal agencies regarding an FCC proposal to appoint a frequency
coordinator to maintain a database of all Wireless Medical Telemetry
Service (WMTS) equipment in operation. This proposal, argues the FCC,
would aid WMTS users in avoiding interference.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
EPA Solicits Comments
on its Information Collection Procedures
As part of its job in administering a number of environmental protection
statutes, the Environmental Protection Agency is required to collect
data from thousands of facilities in many economic sectors. Before submitting
its continuing Information Collection Request to the Office of Management
and Budget, the EPA is soliciting comments on its proposed information
collection procedures for affected businesses. Comments must be submitted
on or before June 12, 2000.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
Bank of America Supports
An Expansive Definition of Personal Data Which Can Be Released
Bank of America, the largest
bank in the United States with $633 billion in total assets, has submitted
21 pages of comments supporting many of the rules that would implement
the provisions of Title V of the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act. The rules were
proposed jointly by four federal banking agencies: the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of
Thrift Supervision.
OSHA Promulgates Interim
Final Rule to Comply with Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFOIA)
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued an interim
final rule amending the agency's FOIA regulation in order to comply
with "EFOIA" - the Electronic Freedom of Information Act" ("EFOIA").
The interim rule will go into effect on May 22, 2000. OSHA will accept
public comments through June 26.
to read original original
Labor Department Explains
Notices of Workers' Eligibility for Benefits from Two Assistance Programs
The Labor Department has
clarified two notices that appeared in the April 21, 2000 addition of
the Federal Register which seemed to describe that workers from one
company were benefitting from two different assistance programs. One
of the notices grants to the workers of the company in question, the
Thaw Corporation of Washington, eligibility to apply for NAFTA Transitional
Adjustment Assistance, while the other notice grants the same workers
eligibility to apply for Worker
Adjustment Assistance. The reason for these two notices, according
to the Labor Department's Grant D. Beale, Program Manager of the Division
of Trade Adjustment Assistance, is simply that the company applied for
and qualified for both programs as a way to cover their bases. The workers
would have to choose between one of the two benefit programs which Mr.
Beale said were essentially the same, the NAFTA program having been
enacted later than the Worker Adjustment Assistance program.
further explanation of these two programs, please see:
Obligation to Implement a U.S. Supreme Court Decision Dealing with Quotas
for Federal Contracts
In 1995 the U.S. Supreme
Court issued its decision in Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena, which
places severe restrictions on the ability of the federal government
to collect data from federal contractors to enforce quotas. Despite
the passage of five years, and despite a petition by CRE, EEOC has yet
to comply with the strictures laid down by the U.S. Supreme Court (as
well as subsequent federal court decisions). This CRE issue paper delineates
EEOC's legal obligations and identifies mechanisms for challenging EEOC's
Click here
to Read Issues Paper.
New York Adopts Law
to Guarantee Public Access to Scientific Data Used by State Regulatory
The state of New York has
recently adopted a new law to guarantee public access to scientific
data state agencies have used as the basis of new rules and regulations.
The law provides that where a study serves as the basis for a regulation,
the agency must publish key information about the study in the State
Register, including the title of the study, the Principal Investigator,
an abstract of the study, and information related to the agency's Data
Access Officer. Where underlying study data are "readily available,"
the agency must also make this information available to the public.
New York's law represents a significant advancement of Data Access at
the state level.
here to read more about the New York
Data Access law.
Electronic Docket Greatly Improves Rulemaking Transparency
CRE commends the Department
of Transportation for placing all of their rulemaking dockets (
on the internet. As a result of DOT's action, the public can now review
public comments on all rulemakings and submit new comments electronically.
CRE urges other federal agencies to look to the DOT Docket Management
System as a model for placing agencies' dockets on the internet.
Comment on Item
U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office Clarifies Selection Criterion for Advisory Board Membership
Here to Read More
EPA Studies Demonstrate A Major
Reduction in Dioxin Levels
EPA, much to its credit, has continued to review dioxin exposure levels
during preparation of its revised dioxin risk assessment. Studies indicate
a greater than 20-fold reduction in dioxin levels since roughly 1970,
to levels approximating those prior to the early 1930s. CRE has recommended
incorporation of these new data, and opportunity for public comment
and peer review.
Corps of Engineers to
Cease Publication of Regulatory Guidance Letters In the Federal Register
A New Way to Save Money?
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that they will cease publishing
Regulatory Guidance Letters in the Federal Register. The Federal
Register announcement stated that "to insure widest dissemination
while reducing costs to the Federal Government" the RGLs would be published
on their web site at the convenient address:
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
Federal Banking Agencies
Have Issued Proposed Rules Which Deal with the Privacy of Consumer Financial
Information. The Question is, Do the Proposed Rules Go Too Far or Not
Far Enough?
CRE is Requesting Comments from the Public to Ensure that Federal Banking
Regulatory Agencies, in Issuing the Final Rules, Comply With Statutory
Authorities that Protect the Consumer's Right to Privacy But Not at
an Excessive Cost.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
President Clinton Signs
Executive Order Directing Environmental Review as Part of Trade Agreements.
Call for Public Comments Issued.
President Clinton has signed a new Executive Order directing the U.S.
Trade Representative to work with the Council on Environmental Quality
to incorporate environmental considerations, such as sustainable development,
into the USTR's negotiating objectives for trade agreements. The President's
action was announced recently in the Federal Register.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
Cell Phone Tower Health
and Safety Issues on Agenda at NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors
Meeting March 10.
The Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) of the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will meet on March 10, 2000 to
provide advice to the agency on its research activities.
to view notice in Federal Register
to read original original
USDA-HHS Advisory Committee
Issues Recommendations for U.S. Dietary Guidelines. Meeting Announced
and Call for Public Comments Issued.
The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has issued its recommendations
to the Secretaries of Agriculture and Health and Human Services for
changes to the current U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The recommendations
contain ten guidelines to improve the well being of the public through
promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
to read original original
SBA Issues Annual
Report on Implementation of the Regulatory Flexibility Act for FY 1999
The Chief Counsel for Advocacy
at the Small Business Administration (SBA) has recently issued the agency's
Annual Report on Implementation of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
for FY 1999. The report also encompasses the 1996 Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA), which amended the RFA of 1980. Also,
for the first time, the SBA report has been shifted to cover the fiscal
year, rather than the calendar year, in order to harmonize the report
with the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).
According to the SBA report, RFA interventions by the SBA, small businesses,
and relevant agencies are making a real difference. Changes instituted
pursuant to these laws resulted in revisions to final regulations that
year which reduced potential regulatory costs by nearly $5.3 billion.
These savings were accomplished without compromising any public policy
While the RFA was designed to make agencies take into account the
cost of regulations to small businesses, the Act was significantly strengthened
with the passage of SBREFA, which authorized judicial review of agency
compliance with the RFA. SBREFA also required EPA and OSHA to convene
Small Business Advocacy Review Panels to obtain real world input as
to the burden impacts of their proposed regulations.
The goal of the RFA has
been to get agencies to internalize the process of finding the least
burdensome regulatory alternative. The significant FY 1999 savings reflect
vigilance on the part of the SBA Office of Advocacy, small businesses,
and others, but it also demonstrates that the agencies have a way to
go to fully internalize the principles of the RFA and SBREFA. CRE commends
the Office of Advocacy on its efforts in this regard.
here to read the Executive Overview of the SBA report.
the SBA Office of Advocacy Website at
here to review the entire SBA report.
CRE Recommendations Proposed in Regulatory Information Presentation Act of 1998
CRE has long recommended in its various
Regulatory Report Cards that the public would benefit by clearer analyses and better
documentation of compliance with Good Government laws when agencies propose rules
and report other regulatory actions in the Federal Register. On June 25, 1998
(105th Cong., 2d Sess.), Rep. Helen Chenoweth introduced H.R. 4162, the "Regulatory
Information Presentation Act of 1998." That legislation would direct the Office
of the Federal Register to develop a uniform format which agencies would use to
present, in a consistent and informative manner, the analytical information
supporting a proposed and final rulemaking action determined to be "significant"
or "major". CRE is pleased to note that Congress has also taken notice of this
issue and encourages adoption of H.R. 4162 or similar legislation.
Click to read more and to access the text of H.R. 4162
Select Docket Filings
The CRE is instituting a
new feature which will bring key filings in important rulemakings to
our readers. This new feature will focus on filings and issues concerning
the regulatory process. CRE readers interested in having a filing included
in this section should submit a abstract to the CRE.
Filing Abstract
Off-Register Regulation
Off-Register Regulation refers
to the government issuing regulations without going through the publication
of a Federal Register notice and providing the opportunities that the
notice and comment process allows for public participation, compliance
with all good government authorities including the Paperwork Reduction
Act, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act,
and the Executive Order on Regulatory Planning and Review, as well as
Congressional oversight. The three types of Off-Register Regulation
identified by the CRE are:
by Litigation
by Information
by Appropriation
Court Ruling in Air-Bag Case Could Reshape Corporate Liability
Promoting the quality, objectivity, utility, and intergrity
of federal government information
of the Internet as a "Backdoor" Federal Register
Overstatement of Corporate Profits Could Lead to SEC Regulation
Better America Bond
Air Bags
gives AP Environmental Science Textbooks a C Average for being Light
on Science
CRE/Judicial Conference
Tozzi Bio
FCC Order 96-449
DC Circuit Opinion No. 91-1248
Brief for FCC No. 97-1838
CRE Data Qualitry Petition to DOD
FDIC Working Paper (Flannery and Samoly)
Hanson and Morgan paper
OMB Environmental Review
PRA Power Play
IWC Letter 1
IWC Letter 2
Tozzi Affidavit
Letter to the President
Bill of Law
CRE Petition - Original
CRE Petition w/ attachments
Banking Agency Transmittal Letters
McInerney Letter
Tozzi Articles
Tozzi National Press
Tozzi Affidavit
Toward a Federal Data Agenda for
Communications Policymaking
Everybody wants to get into the [Data Quality] Act
White House Drops Effort to Standardize Agency Risk
Stay current on government regulations
Price Control Elements in the Medicare
Modernization Act of 2000
The CRE Disclosure Alternative To The
SEC's Auditor Independence Rule With Sunset Provision
Resource Requirements Needed to Carry Out
the Mandates in Section 511 of the Proposed Medicare Modernization and
Prescription Drug Act of 2002
The MBS Report on Regulatory Mandates in
the Medicare Modernization Act of 2000
2005 Edition Journal of Public Health
Agency (FCC) reliance on data submitted to
the agency by outside parties ("third-party" data)
Regulatory Impact Analysis ? Experiences
and Contributions for Better Regulatory Quality
Agency (FCC) reliance on data submitted to
the agency by outside parties ("third-party" data)
Stage 2 Lawsuit: Pre-Filing Review Copy
The cost benefit analysis
United States Data Quality Act
Dirty Deals: The Drug Diversion Trade
Regulatory Requirements of H.R. 1415
Regulatory Requirements of H.R. 3605/S.
The MBS Report on Mandatory Duties Under
The Paperwork Reduction Act
Ensuring Accountability for Developing
Well-Founded Federal Regulations
Product Development Opportunites Through
Federal Research
A Blueprint for Constructing a Credible
Environmental Risk Assessment Policy in The 104th Congress
Activists File Rare Data Act Challenge Against EPA
Refinery Air Rule
Brazilian Regulatory Conference
FCC Invokes the Data Quality Act (please
see Footnote 467 and pp. 76-79)
Aquatic Mammals
John Brunious Funeral
John Brunious Funeral Preservation Hall
CRE on the BBC
Wine, Jazz and Data Quality
Public Eye Watching the Watchdogs
CRE: Watchdog for Congress
DQA Applies to ICR
DQA Applies to Third Party Data
DQA Applies PRA Certification.
Views of Third Parties on CRE
A Difficult Decade: Continuing Freedom of
Information Challenges for the United States and its Universities
RFA Judicial Review
Litigation 2
Forbes on Blogs
Texas Research Permit
PRA Certification
SBA Letter
Houston DQA Petition
Data Quality Act Challenge
OMB Rejects FCC Data-Collection Rules
CRE testified before the FDIC in support
of Wal-Marts application for an in-house bank
Litigation 3
GAO on Carbon Sequestration
Brazil Seminar Video
Written Remarks Brazil
Post Liquor Article
Tozzi Brazil Presentation
National Archives Interview March 2009:
Centralized Regulatory Review
PA 1957
The Implications of the NOAA National
System of Marine Protected Areas on the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
Comments on NOAAs Proposed National
System of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
The Implications Of The NOAA National
System Of Marine Protected Areas On The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
Small Business Enhanced Competitive
Bidding: Paperwork Reduction Act Comments on CMS' DMEPOS Competitive Bidding
NOAA Pre-dissemination Review ICR
NOAA Pre-dissemination review #2
NOAA Pre-dissemination review #3
Scalia on Tozzi
Obama Retakes The Global Stage
The Man Who Sold the World, by
William Kleinknecht (Nation Books)
Centralized Oversight Of The Regulatory
Deregulator Extrordinare
HomeCare Magazine
CRE + NGO (1)
Washington Post--Peter Behr
Jenner Block
Stealth Lobbying Kills Secondary Smoke
Los Angeles Times
How Medicare Suppliers And Beneficiaries
Can Complain About Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, And
Supplies ("DMEPOS") Concerns
White House Blog
An Excerpt from the White House Open
Government Initiative Blog
A Primer on the Data Quality Act
Tozzi v HHS
Preservation Hall Jazz Band September 1985 performance at
Wolf Trap
DOT requires third party data to meet DQA guidelines
The Need for the DQA
DOT states in Rule Third party data to meet DQA
CRE CRA Watchdog
A Practical Guide To Reducing Merchant Payment Card
Processing Costs
Open Government Initiative
Prime Time Master
Prime Time Inside EPA
DC Circuit: CRE On White House Website
CRE on
White House Website
Why an Open Government Matters
FDA Unveils Draft Proposals on Agency Disclosure Policies
for Public Comment
Prime Time Rehearing
Prime Time District Court Decision
Prime Time Abbreviated
EPA Trains its Staff in DQA Compliance
Tozzi on the Chamber
U.S Government Launches Open Government
ICANN and the DQA
DQA Petitions
Spotila Letter
Cass Sunstein on Tozzi at ACUS (audio file)
TPSAC Tozzi - 3.59:40
Rep. Issa Letter
Am I Blue
IWC # 1
CRE as a Gateway
ACUS - Page 1, Page 2, Page 3
The Most Excellent Center for Regulatory Effectiveness
Counterfeit Coalition
Tozzi v HHS NTP History
Tozzi in Websters Online
Tozzi TPSAC March 2010 (3:08:23)
CRE Press Release Coverage
BOEMER Gives Wind Power Zoning Priority (USA)
IQA and Scientific Integrity Memo
IPD Launch Medical News Part 1, Part 2
AAAS Recognition of CRE
ACUS Government, Public
OIRA 30th Anniversary
Waynesburg, Ohio Notables
Frank Elsass
Russell Furney worked with Enrico Fermi
Shawn Mathey
Press Release of OIRA's 30th Birthday
Science Magazine DAA DQA
Science Magazine Initial + Response
ORIA 30th Bio
Increasing Public Access to Federal Contract Information -
Reinvigorating the Data Access Act: Center for Regulatory Effectiveness in
Science Magazine
OIRA's 30th Anniversary
The Council on Competitiveness and Regulatory Review:
A Kindler, Gentler Approach to Regulation? Administrative Law
Review, with Delissa Ridgway and Michael Waldman, Volume 6:639
Tozzi, J. and E. Clarke, (1983) "On Information and
the Regulation of Public utilities", A. Danilsen and D. Kamershen (Ed.) Current
Issues in Public Economics, 133-147. Lexington: Lexington Books.
Comments on New Information Collection Request,
Parts 39003930Oil Shale ManagementGeneral.
Profile - The OMB's Jim Tozzi, 1 ENVTL. F. 11, 11
(May 1982)
Office of Management and Budget: If There's a New
Rule, Jim Tozzi Has Read It, WASH. POST, July 10, 1981
Erik D. Olson, The Quiet Shift of Power: Office of
Management & Budget Supervision of Environmental Protection Agency
Rulemaking under Executive Order 12,291, 4 VA. J. OF NAT. RESOURCES L. 1,
6 (1984)
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980: Hearing Before the H.
Comm. on Gov't Operations, 96th Cong. 88-98 (1980)
The 20 Years War, 15 NAT'L J. 1238 (1983)
Note to Regulatory Relief Community
Ciao Jim Tozzi
Nixon Legacy Forum
Peer Review Library
Tozzi Photo
Tozzi Resume
The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur
Environmental Forum 2004 (Tozzi pg 38)
Tozzi Blog
Tozzi ACUS 1.13.45
CRE Comments on the MMS Proposed OCS Leasing Plan and its
OIRA Thirtieth Anniversary Conference (ALR TOC)
The Twenty Years War
The Twenty Years War Appendix
CTP Letter
CTP Response Letter
Congressional Hearing (Tozzi) Regulatory Budget
Tozzi at Preservation Hall
U.S. Environment Agency Misses Dioxin Deadline
Jim Miller on Jim Tozzi
OMB violation of the PRA
Tozzi on ACUS
ACUS Meeting: PRA
State DQA
e-cig on CRE
e-cig on CRE #2
Federal Register on CRE
ACUS 2011 Annual Report
OIRA Personnel Levels
Three OIRA Social Entrepreneurial Actions
ACUS 2011 Annual Report
OIRA Personnel Levels
Three OIRA Social Entrepreneurial Actions
DOD Payday Lenders
Responding to Americas First Energy Crisis
H.R. 5952
Presidential Review
BLM Non-compliance
DQA Petitions
PRECEDENT ICR Prohits Stronger Reg Gov Use of Third Party
Dara (5,17)
UNEP Success
OMB Denial of an ICR
CRE on DOE Website
NOAA Pre-dissemination Review ICR
NOAA Pre-dissemination review #2
NOAA Pre-dissemination review #3
A Library of Agency Pre-dissemination Review Programs
Agency Documents for Predissemination Review Library
DQA Atrazine
Tozzi Master Craftsman
ACUS Public Members 2012
Zoom Info Tozzi
Cyber Litigation
Harvard Law Review on Tozzi
ABA on Tozzi
CRE Mission Statement
Tozzi Resume Proposal
Data Access Determination
CRE Mission and Staff Background